Despite damage to Assembly complex, Budget Session to be held in time: CM

Mohinder Verma
JAMMU, Dec 17: Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah today categorically stated that despite damage to the historic Assembly complex the forthcoming Budget Session would be held in time and venue would be decided after minutely studying the interim report of a committee, which has surveyed the damaged building on the directions of the Government.
In an informal chat with the media-persons on the sidelines of a function at Jammu University this morning, Mr Omar said, “the committee which was constituted soon after the damage to historic Assembly complex, has surveyed the entire building and submitted interim report to the Government”, adding “we will minutely examine the report and arrive at the conclusion as where to hold the Budget Session”.
“If it is not felt feasible to conduct the session in existing Assembly complex, alternate arrangements would be made well in time”, the Chief Minister said.
A portion of Legislative Complex caved in on the intervening night of December 10-11 after its foundation turned weak during the construction of new Legislative Complex near the existing building.
In reply to another question regarding negligent deaths of children in Baramulla and SMGS Hospital, the Chief Minister said, “departmental enquiries are going on. Let the concerned department takes action. In case I feel dis-satisfied with the action on the part of concerned department, I would certainly take necessary steps”. He, however, categorically stated that negligent deaths would not be tolerated at any cost and erring doctors will have to face the music.
Earlier, while addressing a gathering after inaugurating two-day free multi-specialty health check-up camp organized by Medanta—the Medicity Hospital, Gurgaon and sponsored by Jammu and Kashmir Bank, the Chief Minister expressed anguish over the death of two children in Baramulla Hospital due to cold.
“I get perturbed when negligent deaths take place particularly in those hospitals where Government has provided enough infrastructure, equipment and other paraphernalia”, visibly angry Chief Minister said, adding “we provided power-generator to the Baramulla Hospital but its administration failed to make use of the same in the hour of need and their carelessness led to death of two children. I am not going to tolerate such attitude of the doctors”.
“If the doctors can’t perform up to the satisfaction level despite being provided all benefits and facilities they don’t have the right to continue in service as Government is not going to make any compromise on providing proper healthcare to the people”, he said, adding “the fault on me lies only when I fails to provide facilities but when all facilities are there the doctors cannot absolve themselves of negligent deaths”.
The Chief Minister further said, “though my Government has taken several initiatives to provide better healthcare facilities to the people, still we have long way to go to provide such facilities at the door steps of the people”, adding “it is unfortunate that the doctors posted in Jammu and Srinagar are getting more pecuniary benefits as compared to those posted in rural and far off areas. This system needs to be reversed”.
“It is because of this system that doctors are reluctant to work in remote areas and always prefer to work in the capital cities”, he regretted, adding “if we have to discourage the referral system and reduce the burden on the Jammu and Srinagar hospitals we would have to ensure that majority of the cases are treated in District and Sub-District Hospitals and for that morale of the doctors working in rural areas has to be boosted”.
Lauding Jammu and Kashmir Bank for sponsoring mega free multi-specialty health check-up camp in association with Medanta-the Medicity Hospital, Mr Omar said, “I am happy to see that Jammu and Kashmir Bank is fulfilling its duty towards the humanity under its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)”.
He also lauded Dr Naresh Trehan, the Chairman-cum-Managing Director of Medanta—The Medicity for bringing a team of dedicated and highly experienced doctors for the free multi-specialty health check-up camp. “I hope Jammu and Kashmir Bank and Medanta would help the Government in working out a scheme under which some sort of financial support is provided to the patients of cancer”, he added.
Dr Naresh Trehan, CMD Medanta—The Medicity, Directors of Jammu and Kashmir Bank also spoke on the occasion.