Despite release of funds, SDRF yet to be fully equipped to handle disasters

Mohinder Verma

JAMMU, Sept 5: Owing to its peculiar topography, rugged terrain and extreme weather conditions, Jammu and Kashmir has witnessed many disasters in the shape of earthquakes and flash floods like the prevailing one but those at the helm of affairs in the State Government have never taken this vulnerability seriously. This can be gauged from the fact that neither there is any comprehensive Disaster Management Plan in the State nor State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) has been fully equipped to handle catastrophes.
Now caught unaware once again by the weather vagary, which resulted into massive death and destruction across the State during the past three days, concerned authorities have initiated discussion on fully equipping SDRF but given the track record there is no possibility of exercise yielding fruitful results in near future.
Official sources told EXCELSIOR that State Executive Committee headed by Chief Secretary, Mohammad Iqbal Khandey in its meeting held on February 7 this year had approved release of Rs 18 crore for purchase of equipment for rescue operations during natural calamities and post-disaster relief and rehabilitation by State Disaster Response Force, J&K Fire and Emergency Services and Civil Defence.
Since the financial year was about to close, State Disaster Response Force could utilize only some portion of the amount for purchase of equipment while as major portion of amount remained un-utilized and the same was revalidated during the current financial year, they said, adding in the meeting stress was also laid on capacity building against natural calamities.
Thereafter, the State Executive Committee in its meeting held in the month of May this year, stressed on institutional mechanism at various levels so that strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as far as disaster preparedness in the State are clearly known. The Executive Committee even approved various proposals for release of funds for purchase of additional relief and rescue equipment, sources informed.
However, State Disaster Response Force having one battalion each at Jammu and Srinagar has failed to purchase the required equipment till date. “We have floated the tenders but purchase of necessary equipment would take time as very lengthy process is required to be followed before placing the orders for the equipment”, said an officer of the SDRF wishing anonymity.
“In view of huge death and destruction caused by heavy rains and flash floods during the past three days, senior officers looking after the affairs of SDRF and Civil Defence discussed the progress made in the purchase of equipment till date and issued directions for expediting the same”, sources informed. They, however, expressed apprehension about this discussion reaching to the logical conclusion keeping in view the lengthy process involved in the purchase of equipment.
In response to a question, they said, “no doubt SDRF personnel have been leaving no stone unturned to reach out the people affected by the natural calamities but delay in procuring equipment is not justified as the same would enhance their efficiency, which is of utmost importance in relief and rescue operations”.
What to talk of fully equipping State Disaster Response Force, the State Government has also failed to come up with a comprehensive Disaster Management Plan till date despite the fact that an exercise in this regard was initiated several years back.
The then Chief Secretary, Madhav Lal had on October 17, 2012 finalized framework of Disaster Management Plan with the decision that experts would be engaged for the same. Accordingly, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai was engaged for preparation of State Disaster Management Plan.
Even Vice-Chairman of National Disaster Management Authority, Shashidhar Reddy during his visit to Jammu and Kashmir last year following massive earthquake in the erstwhile Doda district, had expressed concern over J&K lacking Disaster Management Plan despite the State falling in the highly active seismic zones IV and V and being prone to other disasters.
However, the State Disaster Management Plan has not been finalized till date despite the fact that Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai has already made presentation on draft of the Plan, sources said while disclosing that during two day workshop held at SKICC on July 14 this year, Tata Institute had highlighted the main features of the draft of the Disaster Management Plan but draft is still going through the process of incorporating comments and suggestions.
It is pertinent to mention here that National Disaster Management Authority had a number of times requested the State Government to revisit the construction plans, incorporate building codes while constructing new structures and retrofit old ones but there is no significant follow-up on the suggestions of NDMA.


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