Development of villages

Gandhi Ji had rightly said, “The India dwells in villages”, over 70 percent of the population inhabits in villages. But living conditions there are extremely unsatisfactory. Scarcity of drinking water, lack of connectivity, broken roads, poor medical facilities, inexplainably disturbed schooling scenario in Govt schools, if clubbed together, migration from rural to urban areas becomes inevitably necessary, consequently, a trend for huge urbanisation has resulted into air tight congestion in cities and towns, creating multiple social and economical disorders in the society. Lack of basic necessities, a human being needs in so- called developed society, is really unfortunate phenomenon. The fact stands that nothing concrete is done at grass root level.
Those who live in glass houses often do not bother much for others lying in the pond of miseries. All mentioned problems can be minimised if of the element of double CC (corruption and commission) is eliminated. Not that funds for public works aren’t provided to Panchayats and other agencies for the needful, but lack of accountability on the part of the departments concerned becomes a principal reason for delay in completion of projects, and if at all, made functional, they do not last long due to poor and unsatisfactory construction. Obviously, development remains at zero level. In democracy, character of citizens is considered more important and highly contributory in the society than formulation and implementation of any programme. Therefore, streamlining of procedures is of vital significance.
Yours etc…
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunder Bani)