Development, providing job share to local youth DAP’s core agenda: Azad

DAP chairman G N Azad with new entrants during a function in Jammu.
DAP chairman G N Azad with new entrants during a function in Jammu.

Prominent people, youth join DAP
Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU Dec 21: Democratic Azad Party chief and former J&K Chief Minister, Ghulam Nabi Azad today said that his party has development as its core agenda that is inclusive and pro-people.
While meeting with various delegations in Jammu, Azad said that DAP is a political platform that envisages a development of the UT while taking all sections of society on board.
“We are pro-people and want development of the region that benefits its people,” he told the delegations.
On the occasion various prominent faces from Doda district, Marh and other areas from Jammu Province joined the party and took resolve to reach out the masses and inform them about DAP’s political agenda. Azad also met the youth delegation who joined the party on the occasion. He said India is a country with majority of its youth population.
“No political party can afford to ignore this majority population and grow. DAP has decided to have representation of youth since it is our future,” he told the youth delegation.
Azad further said that to strengthen the secular values in Jammu, its youth share the major responsibility. “Jammu is a city with rich socio-cultural values. It accepts and welcome people from all communities, religion and cultures due to which its economy is growing. Our youth have a responsibility to strengthen this spirit and our party workers will lead from the front,” he said.
He told the delegations whenever the elections in Jammu and Kashmir are held, our workers will have to lead from the front for a change and ensure DAP is winning with thumping majority to form the government to protect the jobs and land rights for locals. He said no fight can be fought and won if it is not led by youth. “Our youth have a major role in social and economic transformation and India’s future is relying on its youth unlike other countries,” he added.