Devika cleaning project

Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has accorded formal sanction to the inclusion of Devika in the National River Conservation Plan (NRCP). With two years of incessant pursuing the matter at various levels and in various Union Ministries, the MP from Udhampur, in whose constituency Devika falls, has succeeded in his laudable mission which he had promised to the people while fighting election for the Parliament in 2014. Naturally, the people in Jammu region in general and of Udhampur district in particular are happy that they will see Devika in its new and unpolluted shape after the project is launched. This contributes to the ecology of the State. When brought to completion in all its facets, the project is likely to become a model for other similar projects in the State.
Rs 170.54 crore project in all its dimensions and tasks envisioned by the Minister will take its time. Once the work is started, it will gain momentum with the passage of time.
Devika is a holy river. In fact, all major rivers in our country are holy in civilization sense to the people of India. Sindhu, Yamuna and Ganga names occur in our National Anthem. No other country’s National Anthem shows as much reverence to the supreme manifestations of nature as does our National Anthem. Besides contributing to that civilizational wealth of our country, Dr. Jitendra Singh has enumerated practical tasks that will stop pollution of Devika, clean its waters to make it transparent, decorate its banks with parks and plantation, provide proper ghats for devotes to take a dip in the holy river and set up electric cremation sites besides a mega waste disposal unit. Looking at this project from futuristic point of view, we can say that foundation of a great tradition of keeping our ecology and environs away from pollution and showing due respect to nature has been laid by the Devika project.