Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 9: Nami Dogri Sanstha (NDS) in collaboration with Savitri Music released two audio-video albums of devotional songs written, composed, sung and performed by Dr. Chanchal Sharma, a Dogri Poet and ‘A’ grade Singer.
Rajinder Sharma, Mayor JMC was chief guest on the release function whereas Prof. Kailash Mehra Sadhu renowned singer of J&K presided over the function.
Bharat Singh, Secretary J&K Academy of Art, Culture and Languages was the guest of honour.
Prof. Anupama Sharma, Singer; Capt. Lalit Sharma, Convener; Dogra Harish Kaila, president NDS and Dr. Chanchal Sharma also shared the dais.
Yash Pal Yash, general secretary NDS compeered the proceedings and Harish Kaila organized and coordinated the programme.
Maa Diyan Chunnian and NDS mementoes were also presented to the guests.
Rajinder Sharma, JMC Mayor emphasized for preserving our art, culture and mother tongue and said that it is the duty of all parents to ensure that their children learn and speak in Dogri.
Prof. Kailash Mehra Sadhu said that music is divine force and also a medium of worship and meditation, which make our lives vibrant.
Vote of thanks was extended by Dr. Chanchal Sharma.