DGP review security for Assembly elections in north Kashmir

SRINAGAR : Underscoring the role of Jammu and Kashmir Police in smooth conduct of assembly elections Director General of Police K Rajendra Kumar today asked all ranks of the force to brace up themselves for the challenging task, similarly they performed in the previous Lok Sabha elections in the state.
Mr Kumar was interacting with jawans and officers during his visit to North Kashmir, where three constituencies in Bandipora district are going to polls in the first phase on November 25 along with 12 others in the state. The DGP said JKP after facing tough challenge of regaining peace in the state also had a commendable job in restoring democratic institutions, an official spokesman said here. The force, after prevailing congenial atmosphere had ensured incident free and fair conduct of Lok Sabha elections in the year 2014.
During his tour, the DGP addressed a Police Darbar at District Police Lines (DPL) Baramulla and convened various meetings of officers to discuss security situation, election preparedness in North Kashmir Range. He also commissioned various residential buildings, which would house the police personnel and additional forces to be deployed for election duty.
Addressing the Darbar, Mr Kumar said police, besides their professional duties, has performed various fronts of policing in the service of public. He said in the times of peace and unrest force always stood up the people to safeguard their interests.
The brave Jawans of the force putting their precious lives at stake, worked for the safety of the people and integrity of the nation.
The role of the force has been lauded at highest forms, the DGP said and announced 39 out of turn promotions and 28 absorption of SPOs of the range in the department. On the occasion, he handed over the promotion and absorption orders to the personnel, who saved many precious lives and public property during anti-insurgency operations. Mr Kumar asked the personnel to gear up their sources for the upcoming assembly elections in the state. He said that despite boycott calls by some anti-national elements, the police is all prepared to create a conducive atmosphere in the state so that the people could exercise their franchise without any fear.
Addressing officers at various meetings, Mr Kumar took stock of the security scenario in the districts of North Kashmir and reiterated that no anti-democratic person would be tolerated.
He said police is firm to deal with such elements trying to disrupt the peaceful electoral process. He reviewed anti-insurgency operations in the range and asked to build pressure on the elements indulging in anti-national activities.