DGP urges youth to shun violence; peace, dialogue way forward

Fayaz Bukhari

Srinagar, Jan 14: Director General of Police, Dr S P Vaid, today urged the Kashmiri youth to shun violence saying peace and dialogue is the only way forward.
Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a function in Anantnag today, the DGP said: “Violence begets nothing and only peace and talks resolve issues.”
The police chief  requested the parents and relatives of those youth who have joined the militany to bring them back to mainstream. “I request their (new recruits) parents, relatives to bring back them into mainstream instead of wrong path.. Those who have pushed them on wrong path should be brought back on right path”, he said.
Vaid said that police officers are in touch with the parents and relatives of the youth who have joined the militancy to bring them back to mainstream. He said 6-7 youth have already been brought back.
“All our officers are in touch with the parents (of new recruits) and already we have achieved success in bringing back 6-7 youth and I hope we will be able to bring back others”, said the DGP.
Vaid said that police is providing sports facilities to the youth in the State so that they don’t fall prey to the militancy, violence and drug addiction. “Jammu and Kashmir Police is for these kids (who are interested in sports) and we want to hold many such sports festivals as per the capital we have available and we would like to organize sports meets as well. We would also like to give sports kits to children so that they don’t fall on path of drug addiction, violence and wrong doings and engage themselves in constructive activities and make themselves healthier, show skills and achieve success”, he said.
The DGP said that if the youth of the State work on positive side, peace and prosperity will return to the State. “Jammu and Kashmir Police will try to sponsor those (who are talented and are financially weak) youth who will be recommended by local (sports) committee. Youth are our future. If youth works on positive side, peace and prosperity will return here”, he said.
Vaid said that the security forces have made preparations for the security on the occasion of Republic day and hoped the day passes off peacefully. “Whatever is possible on the side of police that we are doing and I am sure that with the peoples’ cooperation the January 26 will pass off peacefully”, he said.