Dialogue only way to resolve issues: Vakil

Excelsior Correspondent
SOPORE, Aug 25:  Former Minister and senior Congress leader Abdul Ghani Vakil has said that  from the global scene, it has been emerged that dialogue is the only way  and platform to move ahead to resolve all vexed issues  and the Hurriyat Conference leadership must accept this reality and extend its full cooperation whole heartedly in resolving Kashmir issue.
Addressing a large gathering of party workers and the fruit growers here today Mr Vakil said that aspirations  of the people of the State should not be allowed to be exploited any more by the vested interests who want to keep the pot boiling here.  He emphasized the need for early dialogue on the issue as the delay does not benefit common people rather keeps miseries cropping up for them on daily basis. Confrontation and violence is never in anybody’s interest, he added.
Mr Vakil appealed the Hurriyat leaders to shun abhorrence and rigid behavior  and participate in the dialogue process to bring an end to the spate of violence across Valley. The society has received heavy jolt on all fronts and economy has been badly hit but still some people want to do politics over dead bodies of the innocents killed during turmoil.
The Congress leader also expressed his grave concern over the neglect of fruit industry in the State. He said over lakhs of  people are associated with this industry but due to callous attitude of the Government the growers are suffering.  The people associated with the industry have been deprived of the basic assistance. There is no adequate cold storage and marketing facility being provided to the people connected with the fruit industry, he maintained.
Ex-MLC Haji Mohd Bhat, District president Ghulam Hassan Shah, senior leaders Pt Brij Nath Nehru and  Ghulam Nabi Shah also spoke on the occasion.