Diet and Fertility

Dr. Richa Sharma and Dr Amit Basnotra
Health is wealth but its not only to acquire it but to maintain it also.Excess of everything is bad so try to maintain a balance.When our body and mind are strong then only we can support a new life and have an amazing journey of        parenthood.This all just begins from few tips which we all should know because  if beginning is correct then only we can expect results.
Here we give few practical and daily use tips for our readers-
1. Eating unwanted items can stop women from producing eggs or releasing on time what we call as ovulation.
2. Excessive consumption of hard drinks and cigarettes can Reduce man’s sperm quality and quantity- best is to stop and if not at least to cut it down to maximum because poison will always be poison even if less in amount
3. A lack of iron, vitamin D, selenium or iodine can also be standing between you and pregnancy
Common deficiencies-
* Iron – iron deficiency can inhibit women from ovulating. Good food sources are red meat, eggs and leafy green vegetables.
* Iodine – iodine deficiency can impair the health of the thyroid gland, a major cause of infertility. About 50 per cent of patients are deficient in iodine .A supplement should only be taken if a blood test shows a deficiency.
* Omega-3 – This is essential fatty acid inspires the production of the hormone progesterone for ovulation to take place.
* Vitamin d – vitamin D deficiency can inhibit ovulation, and women with polycystic syndrome are particularly likely to be deficient.
What to avoid?
* Bad fats – like Trans fats found in processed, packaged and fried foods, biscuits and cakes can keep a woman from ovulating. Consume the good fats found in extra virgin olive oil, avocados and nuts and seeds instead.
* Cigarettes – it will stringently reduce sperm count and sperm motility.
* Alcohol – it moderates the creation of progesterone, can stop ovulation in women and lessens sperm count & motility.
* Coffee – Women who drink more than 300ml of coffee a day are twice as likely to experience infertility for a year or more.
Pre conceptual Care
The months leading up to conception can have a significant impact on the health and development of your future family. If you are thinking about starting a family ,there are a number of physical and lifestyle factors that you and your partner can adapt in order to improve your chances of conception and give your child the best start in life, to ensure you are fully prepared as you embark on your journey towards parenthood.
A preconception visit will also help you determine any individual risk factors meaning you may need additional care during pregnancy.
It needs a health and lifestyle audit, taking into account any fertility issues and/or existing health conditions.It ideally should be inclusive of-
Health checks e.g. BMI, blood pressure, blood tests & genetic screens
* Nutritional advice to enhance fertility- eat what is right and balanced
* Vitamin and supplement guide- prenatal vitamins
* Ovulation calendar & fertility charts-know your fertility window
* Relaxation techniques and managing stress
* What to expect during your pregnancy
* Complete health check up to ensure that you are not carrying any risk and a multidisciplinary approach as and when required.
( The author are senior IVF consultant Delhi NCR and Senior Gastroentrologist                           Delhi NCR)