Digital Vs Traditional Education System

Dr. Dushyant Pradeep
It’s a very well-known fact that nothing is constant in this world and the only constant in life is a change. The said fact is very true for this present era of modern or digital world that grows and evolves in various different ways. The technology has shown its power to transform our lives as we know it and the traditional classrooms have been influenced by the variance of this technology in our life. This has created a war of words to decides the benefits of the either system of education i.e. either the New or Modern or Smart or Digital system is beneficial or the old tradition education system. Let’s understand the difference between digital and traditional educational system.
As we all know the Traditional education has been imparted in schools since centuries across the globe in classrooms using the tools of a blackboard / whiteboards, chalkboard, textbooks, assessments, and assignments. The students took admissions in these physical schools and attended classes across the week. These classes were controlled and monitored by the teachers who stood at the head of the class and gave out instructions for the students to follow their instructions. It has a face to face interaction between the student and mentor.
But in case of digital/smart education system, a variety of digital tools ranging from smartphones, tablets, laptops, projectors, starboards, digital textbooks, etc. are used for instructions and illustrations.In this system the main focus is using audio-visual tools to engage the student. The physical assignments as in traditional system are now being relieved by the digital or online assignments.In this smart education system, the mentor or educator is a guide who helps the students to navigate their learning process via independent learning systems such that they are customized and personalized to suit the learning style and pace of the student. The digital learning classrooms do not need the students to attend them physically as learning can take place mainly online. The student can attend and learn the course anytime, anywhere at a self-paced manner.
Advantages of Digital System
* Flexibility
In a traditional education system, students have a constant pressure to keep up with co-students and perform at a speed that they may not be comfortable in.As on the other hand, a smart education system is characterized by the flexibility which allows all the students to learn at their own pace, without reviewing the topics repeatedly andclearing the doubts with the teachers.
Also,digital education allows the learners to learn at a place of their choice or can customize to a suitable learning environment. Instead of sitting in a physical classroom with multiple distractions an online system has the flexibility to create an environment that is best conducive to the learning of students. This can range from learning while sitting at their place or creating a home learning environment with soft-focus music and even stocking up of tea.
* Economical
The traditional schooling has a few mandatory fees that every student must have to pay, related to using classroom space, school resources and equipment. But these dues are not applicable to an online course and with the right tools and software, a learner can enjoy large discounts on the courses that they have applied for.
* Courses
The present education systemis not bound by space or time constraints. This is the prime reason that they can offer their students a larger number of courses compared to traditional educational institutes. Thus, a smart learner has access to a larger number of courses that they can take at any time anywhere at their convenience for the expansion of their learning.
* Communication between Teacher and learner
The biggest benefits of taking the digital system is that it offers students multiple channels of communication with the teachers. Instead of waiting to speak with the teacher after class or taking a special appointment for clearing doubts, the online students can clear their doubts by mailing the teacher or chatting with him on the messaging boards, access to teachers, experts, and student guides increases their confidence in the subject.
This is also especially suitable for introverted students who are too shy to ask questions in class.
* Interactive System
Students of an online course can join any online study groups and collaborate with their peers to learn faster and better. This not only broadens their learning but opens their minds to new thoughts and ideas related to their subject. Online learners thus get an understanding of new trends in the subjects of their interests and stay updated at all times through collaboration with peer learners.
* Social Isolation causing lack of social learning
Social learning refers to the elements of learning where the students learn by interacting with each other. The peer network becomes a support system that not only helps in learning but also shapes the character of the students as they learn to share and respect others. However, the smart learning system allows for only limited indirect interaction with other students and this may often lead to isolated students
* Extracurricular activities
In a traditional learning system, the extracurricular activities give the students, offers the students plenty of opportunities to showcase their hidden talent to others. This boosts their self-confidence and helps in personality development.
The capabilities of the present generation are slowly evolving due to the numerous opportunities that online education system offers to the learner. The new generation of smart and digital education offers the students multiple intelligent education systems that use visual techniques together with technology to present information in a more effective and interactive manner. This enhances the capabilities of next-generation learner students to improve their understanding and learning. This way of smart learning also helps the students retain what they learnt for longer periods of time.Today, access to technology broadens minds due to the variety of information available to the learner. In a world where traditional classroom systems are considered boring, the Smart learning system transforms learning into a fun and exciting adventure.A smart education goes a long way in preparing the child and imparting skills for a future workspace.
Online learning can be a very rewarding experience. Because not only does it allows the learners to continue learning without giving up due to their career. It also allows them to interact with other students and peers around the world. With so many factors to consider, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question which one is better. Taking living situation, learning style, and career goals into consideration will help you make a decision that fits your individual circumstances. But there is no question that online learning has caught up and even surpassed traditional learning on many metrics.