O P Sharma
A pioneer and popular Dogri poet, Dinoo Bhai Pant has made singular contribution in the popularizarion, promotion of the Dogri language and also made significant contribution to his mother-tongue, Dogri.
His outstanding Gutlun, Shehar Pehlo Pehl Gae in 1944 proved an instant hit and popularized the Dogri language. His Mangu De Chhbeel, a collection of Dogri poems, Veer Gulab (Khand Kavya) brought glory to this poet and gave place of pride and unprecedented popularity to the Dogri language. His progressive writing is a milestone which set a new trend in Dogri poetry focusing on common people’s problems, concern for the down-trodden and the need for their uplift.
Popular Poet
Dinoo Bhai Pant received the Sahitya Akademi Award in the year 1985 for his unique book, Ayodhya, a masterpiece of the Dogri literature.
He was the pioneer poet who promoted Dogri language and used his pen with a progressive and modern outlook. Though he was inspired by Har Dutt Shastri, who wrote in twin-languages, Hindi and Dogri but Dinoo Bhai Pant’s approach was directed towards the socio-politico-cultural issues which agitated the minds of the common masses.
It was in 1944 that the Dogri language got a fillip with setting up of the Dogri Sanstha, Jammu, a premier literary and cultural organization of which Dinoo Bhai Pant was one of the founding members alongwith others like: Prof Ram Nath Shastri, D C Prashant, B P Sathe, N D Misra and few others. The Sanstha while promoting Dogri, it also made endeavors for cultural rejuvenation.
Earlier, in 1942, Dinoo Bhai Pant had founded Hindi Sahitya Mandal. As organizer of National Conference party, he participated in the Chenani agitation in 1945. He also associated himself with the Dogra Mandal in 1974.
Shot in Popularity
The Gutlun’s instant popularity set a chain reaction in Dogri poetry with the coming up of a host of new writers and poets devoted to the Dogri language, bridging the cultural gap between the ruralites and the urban centres. Few poets like: Bakshi Balwant Rai, Basant Ram Basant, Ram Lal Kesar and few others wrote in his style and with a touch of humour.
Nawan Graan was the play, he wrote jointly with Prof Ram Nath Shastri and R K Abrol. The tragedy- drama: “Sarpanch” written by him has frequently been staged within and outside the Jammu and Kashmir State which gained acclaim everywhere. Based as it is on folklore, it is the story of a village headman who made supreme sacrifice for justice and to uphold honour of the people. Swarg Ki Khoj is another publication brought out by this Dogri writer.
The book in Dogri entitled “Ayodhya” (a play) won him the prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award in 1985. The author has adopted a very daring and unconventional way in dealing with the character of Kakae (third wife of Raja Dashratha) by putting her in fairly good light, Whileas she was always depicted as villain in the Ramayana, it was Dinoo Bhai Pant who pleaded that she had in consultation with a Rishi (a saint) a vision about cultural interaction between Aryans and kingdoms of Kishkendera and Sri Lanka which was possible only if Lord Rama was exiled. His approach to the subject and circumstances is distinct and marked by originality of thinking.
Noble Plea
The language in the award winning book is simple and straight forward which often strike the emotional chord of the readership. This publication has enriched the literature in general and the Dogri language in particular.
On the divergent views on role and importance of Hindi and Dogri, Dinoo Bhai Pant resolved the controversy in his un-matching style when he said:
Hindi Shari Dadi Aai
Te Dogri Shari Maa
Dadi thaar Dadi Aai
Te Mau thaar Maa
(Hindi is our grand-mother and Dogri our mother. While Dadi, Hindi, has her own eminence and respect but Dogri our mother- tongue is equally important and dear to us)
Dinoo Bhai Pant was born on May 11, 1917 at Panthal village on the foothills of Shivalak hill near Katra Vaishnodevi, in an orthodox family with meagre means. His early childhood was full of difficulties which hardened him to face life with a progressive outlook. After schooling upto third primary standard in his native village, Panthal; the young Dinoo Bhai was sent to his sister at Reasi for further education. But at the age of 14 years only he had left studies due to demise of his mother and came back to Panthal to shoulder family responsibilities. He used to take part in Ramlillas, humourus skits and mimickery even at a tender age. He left his native village to join a drama party at Jhajjar Kotli, but came back to his native village only to take up journey to Haridwar where he spent time in preaching. He had a deep insight into the socio-political and economic matters which he boldly portrayed through the medium of Dogri poetry. He was very much against the superstitions, social evils and political exploitation. Many a times, he gave a call for complete transformation in the system which had allowed exploitation of man by man.
He remained in Government service as Panchayat Officer and got inducted into the list of first batch of JKAS cadre and became a Block Development Officer (BDO). Subsequently, held a number of posts and superannuated in May, 1972 as Deputy Provincial Rehabilitation Officer.
His eldest son, Dr Manoj Pant, who is also Academy Award Winner for his Dogri short stories during 1985 said that his father (Dinoo Bhai Pant) was a simple and soft-spoken human being with democratic spirit. Basically a non-believer, Dinoo Bhai practised what he wrote and was very democratic in the family. His other two sons: Virender and Rahul are Architect and Advocate respectively.
Dinoo Bhai Pant is a poet and writer who has contributed a lot and enriched the Dogri language and its literature. Though he died on March 23, 1992 but he still continues to stride magnificently on the Dogri’s literary horizon.