Dir Horticulture kick-starts strawberry plantation drive at Langotian village

Director Horticulture Jammu, CL Sharma along with other officers at a strawberry cluster in RS Pura, Jammu.
Director Horticulture Jammu, CL Sharma along with other officers at a strawberry cluster in RS Pura, Jammu.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 10: Director Horticulture Jammu CL Sharma today visited a strawberry cluster owned by FPO namely “Satwari Urban Green Producers Company Limited” and kick-started the plantation drive of strawberry by planting strawberry runners at village Langotian, Gazian, RS Pura in a cluster of 100 kanals, in the field of farmer namely Mahesh Choudhary.
The Strawberry runners were also distributed by the Director among the beneficiaries for plantation. A large number of members of the FPO were present on the occasion. During the interaction with the members of the FPO, the Director informed that strawberry is a cash crop which can be cultivated both in sub-tropical and temperate climate areas of Jammu province. He motivated them to bring more and more area under the ambit of strawberry cultivation so that maximum area can be covered with market linkage at source.
Highlighting the critical role of FPOs in enabling small and marginal farmers to access resources, markets and knowledge, the Director assured all kind of assistance to FPO members from the Department of Horticulture. Further, he said that cultivation of strawberry is a short duration crop and by adopting cultivation of this crop, the farmers can enhance their income manifold. Moreover, the Department is supporting the farmers both financially and technically and they should take benefit of this.
Addressing the gathering, Director Horticulture emphasized the importance of various departmental schemes designed to support the farming community, particularly Holistic Agriculture Development Programme (HADP). He highlighted the special provisions available for unemployed youth, encouraging them to take advantage of these schemes to achieve self- reliance and economic independence.
The plantation drive of strawberry was carried out in presence of Chief Horticulture Officer (CHO) Jammu Rakesh Kotwal, HDO Dheeraj Sharma, and a large number of farmers.
Earlier, the CHO Jammu briefed the farmers about the technical aspects of cultivation of strawberry.