Discrimination with Ayush sector

Kudos to Daily Excelsior for publishing news report about newly opened Govt Ayurvedic College which is being run on internal arrangement basis even when third batch is about to start.Management of Ayurvedic college on internal arrangement basis is not an example in isolation. The fact of the matter is that during decades of mismanagement, discrimination and apathy, the Ayush department itself has become classical example of mismanagement stagnation and administrative anarchy :courtesy -internal arrangement panacea under which staff is withdrawn from sanctioned dispensaries in order to manage either non sanctioned institutions or where there is no provision of sanctioned staff. Incidentally this withdrawal for internal mismanagement is made from the rural dispensaries situated in far flung areas of the state where there is hardly any other curative alternative for ailing masses. Besides Govt Ayurvedic college, some other glaring examples are :-
* As many as 65 non sanctioned dispensaries are being managed on internal arrangement basis.
* 26 Ayush units functioning in various Allopathic institutions ,Panchkarma and Khyar sutra units in Govt Ayurvedic Hospital, nine nodal officers and two drug inspectors being essentially non sanctioned one are also functioning on the basis of internal arrangement which is invariably crippling the meaningful and purposeful functioning of regular sanctioned dispensaries.
It will be very relevant to mention here that :-
* That out of total 506 ISM institutions, as many as 134 institutions are functioning single handedly with the provision of lone Medical officer only. Out of 134 institutions 45 institutions are functioning single handedly since 1983.
* That there are just two posts of B grade specialists at Govt Ayurvedic hospital and those two posts have not been referred to Public service commission since time immemorial .
* That despite lapse of nearly one decade, administrative staff for newly created districts is yet to be sanctioned.
* That despite lapse of many decades ,technical staff for prodigious curative schemes ,Panchkarma and Khyar Sutra is yet to be sanctioned.
Tailpiece :symbolising comedy of errors ,Ayurvedic college and department itself is headed by non Ayush Allopathic professionals .
Dr H N Patwari
Former Deputy Director Ayurved.