This refers to article titled ” Disempowering RTIs Nerve Center” by Raja Muzaffar Bhat (Excelsior 30.7.2019). Information Commission is indeed the Nerve Center of RTI Act as this institution is the final deciding authority where people come with all hopes. Under the new amendment the information commissioners will not have a fixed tenure of 5 years and Govt will directly control the same. This is going to snatch the autonomous character of the Information Commissions across country. Central Information Commission has been doing a great service to people by directing Government organisations to reveal information under RTI which otherwise is not provided by PIO’s and First Appellate Authorities. The autonomy of these commissions should be restored. Now the only hope is President who should not give assent to this amendment bill.
Sanjeev Kumar
Trikuta Nagar, Jamu
This is in reference to article ‘Disempowering RTIs nerve Center’ by Dr Raja Muzaffar Bhat (DE July 30th). The author has explained in detail what these amendments are all about. Most of the non BJP political leaders in J&K especially who raise their voice against these amendments are themselves unaware about the recent amendments in RTI Act 2005. I would suggest them to read this piece and then come to TV shows for debate on the issue. I am personally shocked to see dis empowerment of Information Commission. As the author has rightly said Information Commissions acts as Nerve Center for RTI implementation , but the Union Government has tried its best to attack this institution. On one had Modi lead Govt claims to be stiff against corruption and nepotism and when the same is exposed through RTI , Govt has weakened the same legislation by making Information Commissioners powerless
Advocate B A Bhat