Disfigured by mobile phone blast in mouth, Yemeni man gets back normal features after rare surgery

NEW DELHI, Feb 21: A 26-year-old Yemeni man whose face was disfigured when a mobile phone exploded in his mouth regained normal facial features one and a half years after he underwent a reconstruction surgery at a city hospital here.
The phone had exploded when the man, Saad, was holding it between his teeth while doing some work in November 2018, a senior doctor said.
Saad received first aid in Yemen but the incident severely disfigured his face and he was not able to eat and speak normally.
He was keen to go for a reconstruction surgery to get back his normal face but due to the severity of the damage, a complex nature of surgery was required and doctors in Yemen refused to do it, Dr Ajaya Kashyap, Medical Director, KAS Medical Centre, said. Saad came to India for treatment because of lack of such facilities in his own country, he added. (PTI)