Disrespect to National Anthem

This takes reference to the news item figured in this esteemed paper on 18th June. The open disrespect shown by trhe students and staff of Kashmir University towards the National Anthem in presence of the Chief Justice of India is highly condemnable. Had this been committed in any other State our Chief Minister would not have lost a second to tweet against the act but in the  presence case he had remained a mute spectator. The authorities should have taken it seriously by taking action against the unscrupulous elements behind it.
It is also right time for the authorities which are at the helm of affairs both at Central and State level to take note of the mind set of such people and have a remedial recourse to prevent this type of acts in future.
Taking this type of anti-national events lightly by the Central as well as State authorities will rather encourage the perpetrators of such events. It is very unfortunate that nobody either at State or Central level has condemned this anti national act till date.
Yours etc….
Pyare Lal