Dissolve Assembly, prepare ground for fresh elections: Farooq

SRINAGAR, July 29: Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Dr Farooq Abdullah has favoured dissolution of the State Assembly so that horse trading is put to rest and all the political parties prepare the ground for fresh elections.
The National Conference leader, however, hoped that Governor’s rule would stay for some time “so that some stability returns” to the state.
“I think one of the good things is Governor’s rule right now in the State. The focus now is on development and he (N N Vohra) has been able to give a solid administration which is unbiased…At the same time he wants  peace to return to the state and is taking measures to see that people are not harassed unnecessarily,” Abdullah, a Lok Sabha member, said during an interview to PTI.
In reply to a question about the Governor administration preparing the ground for holding Panchayat and Municipal elections, Abdullah said it was a good development.
“Let them prepare the ground for this, then political parties will decide for themselves whether they are ready or not. First the ground needs to be prepared,” he said.
About the reports of formation of an alternative Government in the State, Abdullah said, “I think immediately after the BJP withdrew the support, the normal process must be that the State Assembly is dissolved to hit the chances of horse trading or otherwise that will effect the democratic institutions in the State,” averred Abdullah.
“Therefore, the quicker the assembly is dissolved, the quicker the people can prepare themselves for the future elections,” he said.
The BJP pulled out of the alliance Government with the PDP on June 19, forcing Mehbooba Mufti to resign as Chief minister of the State.
Abdullah, who has been Chief Minister of the State on three earlier occasions including the worst period of militancy between 1996 and 2002, did not agree with Mehbooba Mufti’s statement that if Delhi attempted to break her party, militancy would increase.
“As far as her statement that more militants will be created is concerned, it is not absolutely correct. But at the same time, I must say that if horse trading is done, the electorate will loose hope of ever having there own representatives running the State and I quite agree that this practice is bad for democracy. The only answer is fresh elections,” he said.
Asked whether the BJP’s decision to pull out was right, Abduallh said, “I think after seeing the situation going from bad to worse and polarisation growing at a faster rate between the two divisions of the state, the Prime Minister (Narendra Modi) had no other way out but to request his party to withdraw the support.”
Asked to comment on the Mehbooba Mufti-led Government and its failure to prevent youths from joining militant ranks, he said the PDP came to power because they promised people that they will keep the RSS and the BJP out. Post elections, they made a complete U-turn and shook hands with the BJP.
“That was one of the blows. That is why you find that most of the tragedies occurred in South Kashmir where they received maximum number of votes. Second reason was total misgovernance, corruption to heights, anti-people policies. They lost the grip on the situation,” he added.
“Jobs, transfers and ad-hoc appointments were done through the backdoor which only aggravated the situation,” he said.
Asked to comment on Imran Khan’s victory in Pakistan, Abdullah said Khan’s victory was a new dimension not only in Pakistan but for the sub-continent.
He said Khan was a sportsperson and had always been positive wherever India was concerned which included his interaction in Delhi where he was always looking forward to a better Indo-Pak relation. Recently after his party won, he projected that he wanted peace between India and Pakistan which included solving of all problems across the table.
“Secondly, he (Khan) mentioned that Kashmir is a festering problem between the two countries and that should be settled by talking so that all this bloodshed can stop and the people of the State can live in peace and harmony,” the NC leader said.
“Well, tall order, it will depend entirely how he and his Government move against terrorism and try and build bridges which will not only strengthen relations between India and Pakistan but also SAARC which has been suffering for so many years. Better relations will also have an effect on Afghanistan because these two neighbouring countries can play an important role in bringing peace to that country,” he said.
About his name figuring in the charge sheet filed by the CBI in Rs 200 crore Jammu and Kashmir cricket scam, Abdullah said, “I would not like to talk about the case as the matter is sub-judice. We will wait for the trial to begin. I have full faith in the judiciary and I will get justice.”
Our Correspondent adds:- Farooq  today said there were no buyers for Mehbooba Mufti’s crocodile tears in Kashmir and her new theatrical drama was aimed at covering her “disastrous, unjust and corrupt tenure.”
Addressing two separate functions – a workers’ convention at Khanyar and the J&K Rural Development Society’s function at Shireen Bagh in Srinagar, Dr Farooq said that Mehbooba Mufti as Chief Minister behaved as the “Chief tormentor of Kashmiris” and left no stone unturned to persecute the people of the State politically and economically.
“Mehbooba Mufti’s latest theatrical performance amounts to adding insult to injury. Her crocodile tears have no takers in Kashmir. The people remember clearly how she clung on to power despite being sidelined and humiliated by her allies repeatedly over the course of the last four years and how she surrendered every aspect of the institution of the CM’s office to the BJP. The youth of the State witnessed an unprecedented reign of persecution and harassment under her rule and her party went above and beyond the call of their duty to the BJP in helping them inflict irreparable damage on the State’s autonomy and special status”, Dr. Abdullah said.
“Where were Mehbooba Mufti’s tears when young children were being blinded by pellets? At that time we saw a different face of Mehbooba Mufti and the PDP – a face of arrogance and ruthlessness. Had Mehbooba Mufti been guided by morality and empathy, she would have resigned as the Chief Minister long back and wouldn’t have waited to be sacked so unceremoniously by the BJP without even informing her. After Late Mufti Sahab passed away – Mehbooba Mufti resorted to the same theatrical tactics and said she wouldn’t continue in an alliance with the BJP unless the BJP takes a political initiative towards Kashmir. We all remember how she got on a plane and rushed to Delhi to meet the Prime Minister, where she agreed to work on the same terms and conditions after leaders from her party tried to overthrow her”, Dr Abdullah added.
Farooq said PDP was a party that was foisted on the people through clandestine and covert machinations to fragment the voice of the people. “PDP was, is and will remain a Trojan Horse that has been engineered within J&K to weaken the State internally and to launch an assault on our resolve to fight for J&K’s political dignity and rights. No amount of drama can change this reality. The people of the State have realised how PDP has taken the State back into turmoil, uncertainty and disempowerment”, the NC president further said.
“National Conference has rendered innumerable sacrifices to fight for the unity, integrity and dignity of Jammu and Kashmir and will continue to thwart all attempts to erode the State’s special status. We will fight against all ploys to assault Article 35-A and won’t allow the powers that be fiddle with our political status and honour”, Dr Farooq said.