Div Com & DHS-J visit Govt Hospital Gandhi Nagar, Sarwal in late evening hours

Div Com during inspection of a hospital.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Fe 22: Divisional Commissioner Jammu, Dr Raghav Langer and Director Health Services Jammu, Dr Saleem ur Rehman paid a late evening surprise visit to Government Hospital Gandhi Nagar & Sarwal to inspect the facilities being provided to the patients.
During visit to the Gynae ward, the Div Com interacted with the patients and their attendants and took feedback about facilities being provided to them. He directed the hospital authorities that patients be timely provided meals. All benefits under JSY & JSSK schemes need to be provided to the pregnant ladies, without fail.
The Div Com & Director Health Services also took a round of Emergency Ward, OPD, Central Testing Lab and Gynae ward among other sections of the hospital.
Hospital management were told to ensure that Arogya Mitras should be present in the hospital round the clock. MS/DyMS were told to conduct regular prescription audit to ensure that only generic medicines are being prescribed.
The Jan Aushadhi Kendras were also directed to be open 24×7 with clearly displayed list of available drugs be pasted therein for the public view. He added that the kendras be well maintained and well equipped with all required medicines.
Directions were also passed for proper management of bio medical waste by the hospital.
Later, the Divisional Commissioner and Director Health Services also visited Government Hospital Sarwal.
The Divisional Commissioner expressed his satisfaction that there has been considerable improvement on many aspects with the innovative interventions of Dr Saleem Ur Rehman especially with regard to operationalising of ER rooms, trainings of doctors and paramedics in emergency management, attendance of staff, public display at prominent places of drugs available in the hospital, bio medical waste management etc.