Div Com discusses Ladakh Literature Festival arrangements

Excelsior Correspondent
LEH, Oct 28: Div Com Ladakh, Saugat Biswas called for a review meeting under the chairmanship of CEC, LAHDC, Leh Gyal P Wangyal to ensure the final arrangements for first ever Ladakh Literature Festival to be commenced tomorrow at 10 am at Leh Palace.
Div Com apprised CEC about the 3-day programme schedule of Literature Festival to be held at different venues. He informed about the participation of renowned national writers, experts, journalists in the Lit Fest and local writers in different fields. He emphasized on the need to ensure proper arrangements at venues in the left time and reviewed the status of invitations. He urged all the concerned officers to delicately put efforts in ensuring maximum audience participation in all the sessions during the 3-day festival and make them feel good about the first ever held Literature Festival in Ladakh.
CEC appreciated the Lit Fest team, led by Div Com. He stressed on timely dispatch of invitation cards to all the invitees. Gyal Wangyal said that to make this festival a success, maximum participation of people is important and he urged the organizers to attract maximum audience for the festival.
The meeting was attended by Dy Chairman Tsering Sandup, EC (Agri) Phuntsog Stanzin, EC (Minorities) Mumtaz Hussain, DC/CEO, Leh Sachin Kumar, ADC, Leh Dr Zahida Bano, district officers and organizers of Ladakh Lit Fest.