Div Com reviews water, power supply scenario

Divisional Commissioner, Sanjeev Verma takes review of water and power supply position at a meeting in Jammu on Saturday.
Divisional Commissioner, Sanjeev Verma takes review of water and power supply position at a meeting in Jammu on Saturday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Apr 27: Divisional Commissioner, Jammu Sanjeev Verma today chaired a meeting of the engineers of PHE and Power Development Department to review the water and power supply scenario during summer season.
The meeting was attended by Chief Engineer PHE, Ashok Gandotra, Chief Engineer M&RE Jammu, Sudhir Gupta along with Executive Engineers while Deputy Commissioners of Kathua, Samba, Jammu, Rajouri and Udhampur attended the meeting through video conferencing.
The Chief Engineer PHE Jammu apprised the Divisional Commissioner of the requirement, availability and shortage of water during summer season. He also informed that the department provides water through tankers in some areas to meet the shortage. Apart from existing 84 water tankers, 66 additional tankers are being deployed to provide water to the public in case of failure of regular supply through taps. Three additional tankers have been provided in district Rajouri to over come water problem.
Gandotra further revealed that they have identified 31 critical stations in Jammu province for which dedicated feeders have been provided. It was also informed that annual cleaning works have been completed at the vital installations. The efforts are being made to further augment the water supply position in view of coming summer months. To meet the challenge during summer months, additional transformers and electro-mechanical equipment bank has been created, Gandota maintained.
He said 395 languishing water supply projects are under execution which will bring relief to the public in coming months. Additional dedicated feeders at Sheetli and Samba water stations are being provided which will provide great relief to the people in coming summer months, Gandotra added.
Chief Engineer M&RE, Jammu Sudhir Gupta informed about the requirement, availability and shortage of power supply during summer season and also apprised about the initiatives being taken to meet the increased power demand.
Gupta said much focus has been laid on the power capacity addition to meet the challenge during peak summer months. He said the fault prone areas have been identified and concerned officers have been asked to take necessary measures in this regard. The concerned Executive Engineers and AEEs have been instructed to replace the damaged transformers within shortest possible time, to minimize the sufferings of the public, Gupta maintained.
The DCs also informed, Mr Verma about the scenario of water and power supply in their respective districts.