Diversifying agrarian activities

The state of agricultural activities in J&K is by no means satisfactory. We are nowhere near modern methods of farming, horticulture, poultry and sheep breeding and a large number of related activities. Agricultural production per hectare of land has come down. There is just 2 per cent annual growth in agriculture. Likewise we have not been able to provide necessary infrastructure needed for promotion of horticulture which could have become a dependable industry in the State. The Governor while speaking to a gathering at the commemoration of the birth day of Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah said that it was the vision of the stalwart leader to make the tillers of land its owners. But he emphasized that just passing the title of the land did not mean that whatever was needed to improve our agricultural activities had been achieved. The reforms put a heavy burden on the shoulders of agrarians in the State. It has to be noted with a sense of alarm that the State is importing mutton and poultry worth 1500 crore rupees annually although it could develop sheep breeding, poultry farming, fisheries to the extent of not only meeting domestic requirements but also exporting the product to other states. The Governor rightly made very cogent suggestions for improving production, marketing and research activities in the agricultural field as there was vast scope for the same, Roads for connectivity, mandis, air conditioned storage facilities, proper marketing, diversification of products are the areas to which attention has to be paid. Climatic zones will require special treatment diverse from other zones. All these factors will contribute to improvement of agricultural productivity.