Divinity – The only unifying human bond

Brij Mohan Sharma
God has endowed man with an inquisitive intellect. This is probably the reason that from his very appearnce on earth, he has been unceasingly engaged in the process of probing and unravelling the mysteries of nature.
This exercise has, indeed, rewarded him with unbelievable success in the fields of science, technology and ever new innovations, which has completely transformed his life, and transitioned him from his primitive animalistic life to the modern highly sophisticated, evolutionary and materially prosperous era.
In the course of this intense quest, he has also been blessed with immortal spiritual enlightenment transcending his limitations of senses. Various prophets and avatars, as also an unending stream of God-realized masters revealed to him the Supreme Reality behind all names and forms, and gave him visions of his true excellence.
It is this wisdom and spiritual counsel that is enshrined in the scriptures of the world.
Since all these revelations were made in different ages, at different times and in different parts of the world, we have different faiths and different religions. With the passage of time, we have at present not only variety in religions, but there is also a wide diversity of sects and opinions within the same religion.
It is, however, heartening that even though the scriptures of all these religions and faiths differ outwardly by reason of the variegated cloaks of words, all of them are expressions of the same basic truth of oneness of spirit. And, even though the paths prescribed for realization of this Truth are also different, their destination is one and the same; all paths are paths to God.
Nonetheless, the most disheartening fact worrying mankind is that a section of its race has turned rogue, and refuse to follow or adhere the basic teachings of these scriptures in letter and in spirit. Not that they are really dead to God and religion, but because they lack the proper conception of them- a conception that can be interwoven with fabric of daily life.
As a result, some of these elements along with a handful of pseudo and treacherous religious preachers and teachers have, for their vested interests, been misleading and misguiding the youth and other innocent people with their vicious and venomous doctrines evolved by interpolating and misterpreting the truths of scriptures in order to incite hostility and dissension between various faiths and religions.
In fact, this instigation has been the main reason of long warfares, heated controversies and much bloodshed over the years. It has let loose the Frankstein of religious fundamentalism and hate. Every one believes in the so called supremacy of his religion and is hell bent to thrust it on others by violent methods. This dangerous trend is assuming alarming proportions with every passing day, and poses a great threat to the survival of mankind.
To quote Martin Luther King Jr, “The richer we have become materially, the poorer we have become morally and spiritually. We have learned to fly the air like birds and swim the sea like fish, but we have not learned the simple art of living together as brothers.”
To save mankind from this catastrophe, many saner and spiritually awakened personages have been trying to re-kindle the light of Truth in the hearts and minds of these mis-informed and misguided children of God, so as to bring them back on the right track.
In the last more than hundred years or so, India has given birth to many such men and women of extraordinary vision, calibre and brilliance. In our times, we have witnessed the coming of Paramahansan Yogananda (1893-1952), who virtually brought a spiritual revolution in the world by spreading among all nations the knowledge of scientific yogic techniques for attaining direct, personal experience of God, and awakening in all a realization of their oneness in Him. He dedicated his life for universal brotherhood and unity of religions, and helped people of all cultures and creeds to realize and express fully in their lives the beauty, nobility and true divinity of human spirit.
He was of firm belief that unless and until we recognise the basic truth of oneness of God as prescribed by all our religions, our attempts to bring about universal brotherhood and universal unity are bound to go awry. In fact, unless we learn to be open minded and not opinionated about anything, we will not experience the divinity present in all human beings, which is the only spiritual bond which enables us to see no difference between one human being and another. It is only fellowship with God that fellowship with man can be established; because only when you know God and see Him in all, can you love the Hindu and the Muslim, the Sikh and the Christian, with the same spirit.
From this corollary, however, one pertinent question begs answer: When there is one God, why should there be so many religions ?
To this Yogananda ji says “It may be argued that particular stages of intellectual growth and special types of mentality belonging to certain nations, owing to different geographical locations and other extraneous circumstances, determine the origin of different religions…”,
In the same breath, nevertheless, he goes on to clarify and elaborate: “if by religion we understand only practices, particular tenets, dogmas, customs and conventions, then there may be ground for the existence of so many religions, but if religion means, primarily, God-consciousness, or the realization of God both within and without; secondarily, a body of beliefs, tenets and dogmas, then, strictly speaking, there is but one religion in the world, for there is but one God”.
He, therefore, asserts that “if religion is understood in this way, then and then only may its universality be maintained, for we cannot possibly universalize particular customs and conventions. Only the element common to all religions may be universalized..”
If we go deep into this assertion with an unbiased mind, we are sure to realize that we have, undoubtedly, been caught in the cocoon of narrow thinking, limited ideas and attitudes that overlook the underlying universal element in different religions, and this overlooking has been the root cause of many evils and conflicts with which the world is afflicted at present.
Humanity, today, is shaken by such evils and inharmonious thoughts and is in search of peace and security. The one and only way to bring harmony to ourselves, our homes, our communities and our world is, for us, to come out of the cocoon of limitations and tap the limitless inner resource of divinity.
The need of the hour, therefor, is for man to expand his consciousness , familiarise himself with his innate divinity and perceive this unifying manifestation of God underlying the teachings and beliefs of all religions. In other words, peace has to be brought in the world through this invariable and inalienable spiritual bond of divinity. This understanding alone can make us a united integrated nation- strong and creative, progressive and human.
(The author is a former Addl. Secy. to Government of J&K)