Do not provoke peace loving India

India traditionally and culturally, as a way of life, has been a peace loving country where foreigners from far and wide came to learn various fields of knowledge. Many Indian philosophers and preachers travelled from India to China to spread knowledge and philosophy. We also know that world famous Indian universities like Nalanda and Taxila hosted thousands of Chinese students till foreign invasions destroyed those high places of learning. What we want to reiterate is that, not aggression, not usurpation, not encroachment and never any subjugation of any country has been the tradition of this country though we had mightiest empires from time to time till foreign invasions disturbed all equations. In that perspective, invasion of 1962 by China and intermittent attempts to “grab and eat away” our areas and land used to be China’s tested policy towards this country. That scenario changed in totality since Doklam stand-off and now in strategic Galwan valley in eastern Ladakh, it has to taste what resistance and non acceptance of hegemony mean.
The employment of treachery and deceit by China on the night of June 15 by using bludgeons, sticks and rods in quite departure from military protocol and conventions resulted in the martyrdom of our 20 lion hearted army-men including an officer. Prime Minister, while expressing grief over the martyred soldiers and assuring of the solidarity of the nation in being one with the bereaved families, made it clear that India was basically a peace loving country but when instigated, was capable of giving a befitting reply. Right at the moment of the place of violent clashes between the aggressor army and the Indian army , the Chinese suffered heavy casualties, at least more than twice as many as Indian soldiers. The Prime Minister has rightly assured the countrymen that the sacrifice of our 20 brave hearts would never go in vain. While that should serve as a message that matters to the Chinese, Indian move in retaliation should not be dictated by emotions and raised up feelings. Our approach should continue to be calibrated by employing all possible diplomatic means and through dialogue channels to resolve the issue.
Since it is a ground reality and an established fact of the policy of the government in not compromising with any of our territorial rights and no tolerance of interference of any sort in respect of the construction of roads and other infrastructural works within the Indian territory of the LAC , the natural corollary, therefore, warrants total and unconditional withdrawal by the Chinese troops to original positions and vacating areas of fresh intrusion. It is in the interests of China to avoid any military confrontation as that was going to trigger a chain of devastating repercussions where China was going to be more severely affected. This is seen not only in the context of enhanced military capabilities of India but also in the context of China provoking , inciting and postures of its muscle flexing to suit its expansionist agenda but in the context of it having similar problems with Japan, the USA, South Korea, Australia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Taiwan, Malaysia, Hong Kong , Bhutan etc. In other words, it has friendship with Pakistan and North Korea only. With Pakistan, friendship is till China’s economic interests were served by Pakistan, besides other means, by allowing unhindered ravaging of mineral wealth in areas like Gilgit, Baltistan and other areas of PoK through which the CPEC was running right from Xinjiang up to Gwadar.
At this sensitive juncture arisen due to Chinese die hard habit of attempts of “nibbling ” areas belonging to India , the Prime Minister has very firmly asserted that India’s integrity and sovereignty was supreme for us and “no one could stop us from protecting it, let there be no confusion about it.”