Doc in police custody till June 25 for sex determination tests

BEED, June 17: A Jalgaon-based doctor, accused of conducting illegal sex determination tests being recommended by a Parli medico has been sent to police custody till June 25 following his arrest last Friday.
Jalgaon-based Dr Rahul Kolhe allegedly had a nexus with Parli doctor Sudam Munde, who would send his women patients to the former, through his compounder Anil Munde for sex determination tests, police said.
Ambajogai tehsil’s divisional police officer Swati Bhor along with other officials went to Jalgaon district on Friday and searched Kolhe’s hospital. On a register, police found records of pregnant women who was referred there by Dr Sudam Munde.
Police took Kolhe and Anil Munde into custody and presented them before the Parli court on Saturday evening, where Judge D P Khandelwal sent them to police custody till June 25, Bhor said.
A sting operation had been conducted by activist Varsha Deshpande at Kolhe’s hospital in 2011 and his sonography machine had been sealed by health department, Parli’s police sub-inspector Sudarshan Waghmare said.
However, he still continued with the illegal sex determination tests.
Police sources also said that the sex determination test of the foetus of Vijaymala Patekar, who died last month during an abortion procedure being conducted by Sudam Munde and his wife Saraswati, was also conducted at Kolhe’s hospital in Jalgaon.
Meanwhile, on June 15, the Aurangabad Bench of the Bombay High Court rejected the petition of the Munde couple, confirming the decision of Ambejogai additional sessions judge cancelling the bail granted to them in a PCPNDT Act case of last year.
The doctor couple, who were also granted bail in the Vijaymala case last month, have been absconding since then. (PTI)