Docs at SKIMS Bemina demand reinstatement of colleague

He was creating problems in hospital functioning: Admn

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, Apr 23: Around 50 resident doctors of SKIMS Medical College and Hospital (MC&H), Bemina today demanded immediate reinstatement of their colleague who was recently sacked for allegedly demanding better PPEs in order to deal with the COVID patients at the hospital.
The doctors also highlighted the issue that they were allegedly threatened by the hospital administration for demanding quality PPEs. The administration, however, said that he was creating problems in the functioning of the hospital.
A letter addressed to the Director SKIMS, Soura states that they have been demanding proper PPE since the day the hospital was designated as a COVID19 hospital and in return, they were “threatened”.
The doctors said that they have been complaining about the quality of PPE before the hospital administration, but to no avail.
The aggrieved doctors said that in response to their demands, they were threatened by the hospital administration.
“Despite repeated requests to improve the quality of PPE we were being threatened verbally that if we don’t wear the PPEs, action would be taken against those complaining about PPEs and put them behind bars,” they doctors said.
“We were shown water resistant PPE during demonstration but in practice we are being provided with sub-standard water and fluid leak PPE leading to high risk of acquiring infection,” they said.
The doctors, who have signed the letter shot to the Director have demanded that the termination order issued in the favour of their colleague must be revoked.
The hospital administration has reiterated that it won’t tolerate any kind of indiscipline in the hospital, while justifying the action taken against the doctor. “We are not procuring the kits, it is being provided to us by the SKIMS and Government. Whatever is being provided to us and other hospitals is being used by the staff across Kashmir”, said a senior administrative officer. He said that the doctor was doing house job and was creating problem in the functioning of the hospital.
The President of Doctors Association of Kashmir (DAK), Dr Suhail Naik, to whom the terminated doctor had earlier written a letter explaining the issue and the action taken against him, said that the letter written by the residents is an endorsement to what the sacked had to face.
“Their demand is genuine and what the letter has done is that it had endorsed the fact that there are issues that the doctor in focus had to undergo; their demands are genuine. The action was rightly aimed at muzzling the voice doctors,” he said.