Dogri Sanstha releases Jagdeep Dubey’s book of short stories

Jagdeep Dubey’s book being released during a function by Dogri Sanstha on Wednesday.
Jagdeep Dubey’s book being released during a function by Dogri Sanstha on Wednesday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Mar 23: A book of Dogri short stories ‘Titliyan’, written by well-known Dogri writer Jagdeep Dubey was released here today in a function organised by Dogri Sanstha Jammu.
DarshanDarshi, Convener of Dogri in Sahitya Akadami, was the chief guest in the program which was presided over by Prof Lalit Magotra, President of Dogri Sanstha Jammu. Rajeshwar Singh ‘Raju’, a leading literary critic and prolific Hindi-Dogri writer was the guest of honour on this occasion, which was marked by the presence of a large number of prominent writers and artists.
DarshanDarshi, while speaking on the occasion, highlighted the multi-faceted talent of Dubey, which has manifested through creativity in various genres of literature – like poetry, fiction, stage and radio plays etc. He expressed his astonishment on the prolificacy and excellence of the works of Dubey, which requires a superhuman effort and exceptional talent. He further said that all works of Dubey are distinguished by his rare and unique style of writing, especially the stream of supersensitivity that flows through all his works of fiction.
Professor Lalit Magotra, in his presidential address, said that the short stories of this book are greatly influenced by the poetic and theatrical genius of the author and are the rare combination of these literary characteristics. This is the quality of the fiction written by Jagdeep Dubey, which sets it apart from the writings of other authors, he added.
Rajeshwar Singh ‘Raju’ spoke extensively on the short stories of the released book. He said that Dubey picks up the topics of his stories from very mundane things of life all around us but through his creative abilities converts these into some profound aspects of life and existence. He said his storytelling craft is marked by the participation of inanimated objects in his stories, as if these were as much living as the human beings.
Ashutosh Prasher, a young and scholarly critic, read a detailed paper on the released book. He highlighted the peculiar qualities and characteristics of the short stories contained in the book.
Dubey also spoke on the occasion sharing some aspects of process of his creativity and read a story from the release book. Dr Chanchal Bhasin, Secretary of Dogri Sanstha Jammu conducted the program.