Dogri being trampled, BJP maintains criminal silence: NC

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, July 19: Assailing BJP for maintaining criminal silence over trampling of Dogri, National Conference sought creation of the posts of Dogri Lecturers in all the colleges and teachers in all the schools of the Jammu region to promote the language.
“Dogri is a rich and lucid language which represents glorious ethos and heritage of the Dogras”, the National Conference leaders said in a statement, adding that this language deserves to be promoted in a big way, keeping in view its huge potential of strengthening bonds between the people, irrespective of caste, creed and religion. They assailed the BJP for ignoring Dogri and trampling the Dogra heritage systamatically.
The statement said that National Conference will continue to endeavour for promotion of various languages, spoken in all the regions and sub-regions of the state, as these reflect and represent the diversity of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh. “But, it has been observed that the BJP has remained as abettor in marginalizing the Duggar heritage”, they said, wondering over the claims of the BJP to be champion of the Dogra cause.
They assailed the BJP for failing Jammu and its people despite massive mandate and cautioned that the National Conference will not remain mute spectator to exploitative politics. They asserted that they were not against any language but want Dogri to get its rightful place in the academic arena, as mother language assumes immense significance in human development.
The National Conference stressed the need for due recognition to all the languages, saying no area or segment of population should feel sense of deprivation. “In a diverse and homogeneous state like Jammu and Kashmir, sensitivities of the people assume larger significance”, the statement said, adding that this aspect is being deliberately ignored by the coalition dispensation.
Besides Provincial President Devender Singh Rana, signatories to the joint statement included former ministers Ajay Kumar Sadhotra and Surjeet Singh Slathia, State Vice Presidents Rattan Lal Gupta, Syed Mushtaq Ahmed Shah Bukhari and Th Kashmira Singh, State Secretary Th Rachpal Singh, MLAs Javed Rana and Dr Kamal Arora and Youth National Conference Provincial President  Ajaz Jan.