Dogri video song released

AD Tourism, Sunaina Sharma along with others releasing a Dogri video song in Jammu on Thursday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
AD Tourism, Sunaina Sharma along with others releasing a Dogri video song in Jammu on Thursday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 29: Assistant Director Tourism Department Jammu, Sunaina Sharma here today released Dogri video song ‘Bagh-e-Bahu Chal Nimiee’.
Dr. Shakti Dhar and Pawan Sharma were special guests on this occasion.
The song was sung and its lyrics were given by J.R Sharma Jackson while music of the song was composed by Romesh Parwana.
Music Director was Surinder Manhas, DOP was done by Ashok Jasrotia, sound was recorded by Master Manas Sharma and the film was made by Sonu Taneja.
The star cast in the video were J.R Sharma and Poonam Sharma while makeup and choreography was done by Ridhima Sharma and the progamme was organised by M. Jackson Cultural Institute of Society Jammu under the banner of JR Films Jammu.
Speaking on the occasion Sunaina Sharma said that younger generation should come forward to disseminate richness of Dogra culture across the country.
She also said that various fields including folklore and folk music, Dogri songs etc reflect our traditions and culture.
The AD Tourism further said that people of the region should support and encourage local artists so that they can grow and reach new heights.