Domestic violence

Today domestic violence has increased to a large extent that has remained intrinsic since time immemorial. In every passing day we come to know about somebody’s suicide other’s torture and also someone’s rape. Domestic violence has been defined as a pattern of abusine behaviour in any relationship that is used by one partner or the household member over the other partner. The contributing factor could be the desire to gain control over another family member.
The desire to exploit someone for personal benefits, the flare to be in commanding position all the time showing one’s supremacy so on and soforth. Domestic violence against our widows is a big stigma on our society which is intransigent.
If we look the past, domestic violence in Jammu and Kashmir State was on the lowest when compared to other parts of the country. As reported last year  there were 278. domestic violence  incidents in our State. Now the trend is upwards.
We have to understand socio economic and also psychological needs of the victims in more depth than has been the case upto now so that no victimisation goes unnoticed from any kind of domestic violence. Our NGOs are working on the subject and much more efforts are needed to be taken to minimise this evil. Govt agencies should enforce the law of the land so that peoples’ rights are protected.
Yours etc…
S N Raina