Taking on Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and BJP-led Union government, former Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Monday said the government has miserably failed to provide employment to youth of the country.
“Finance Minister, don’t be afraid of my questions. I am asking these questions on behalf of the youth of the country, to whom it is your responsibility to answer,” Mr Gandhi said in a tweet in Hindi.
“The youth of the country need employment and your government has failed miserably to provide it” he added.
Mr Gandhi was responding to a news report, which quoted Ms Sitharaman, saying, “suppose I give you a figure of one crore (of job creation), then Rahul Gandhi would ask where are those one crore jobs and that is why did not give any figures”.
While sharing the news report, Mr Gandhi has also used the hashtag, #JawaabDoMantriji” along with his tweet.
Earlier, the former Congress president had criticised the Budget presented by Ms Sitharaman on Saturday and had said it was ‘rumbling’ and ‘hallow’.
“The main issue facing the economy is unemployment. I didn’t see any strategic, concrete idea that would help our youth get jobs. I saw tactical stuff but no central idea. It shows the mindset of the government, all talk and talk but nothing happening. There are lot of repetition, rambling”, Mr Rahul had told mediapersons moments after the presentation of the Budget. (UNI)