Don’t make motivated statements, false allegations: Guv to politicians

‘Mehbooba’s compulsion as polls are round the corner’

Militants will face action

Sanjeev Pargal
JAMMU, Dec 31: A day after PDP president and former Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti alleged excesses with family members of the militants, Governor Satya Pal Malik today said that speaking in favour of militants is her compulsion as elections are round the corner. He warned that the militants will continue to meet the same fate like two Border Action Team (BAT) members this morning in Nowgam sector of Kashmir.
“I don’t feel bad. She is daughter of my friend. We have no fight with families of the militants. But she has to say that as elections are approaching,” Malik told the reporters on the sidelines of a function at Jammu University without naming Mehbooba Mufti.
Asserting that there has been no report of excesses with the families of militants, Malik said if at all some excesses have happened, he was ready to hold a high-level inquiry into the incident.
Mehbooba had yesterday visited some parts of South Kashmir and met family members of the militants after which she issued a statement alleging that sister of a militant has been harassed and tortured by the cops. She had said that this would further alienate the Kashmiri youth.
“We have nothing personal with families of militants and strict instructions have been issued to the security forces to be careful during counter insurgency operations,” Malik said.
Through an official statement this evening, the Governor called upon all political parties to understand fragile situation in some parts of Jammu and Kashmir and not to upset this through “motivated statements” and “false allegations”.
“I have been informed that there has been no tearing up of a lady’s clothes or her being harassed by the police. I once again reiterate that all police officers and staff will be directed not to harass women who happen to be relatives of militants or treat them in any unbecoming manner. Any questioning should be done as per normal practice only in the presence of a lady constable,” the Governor said.
Noting that it has been widely reported in media that three close relatives of a militant were allegedly arrested and harassed by the J&K Police and that clothes of a woman, who was one of the persons arrested, were also torn, Malik clarified that there are standing general and specific instructions that have been issued to all police officers and staff on not harassing families of militants.
“This is being followed meticulously in most circumstances. However, there could be a situation where a few relatives of a militant are questioned by police under due process of law so as to obtain details of a militant’s whereabouts. This is done very rarely and only on the basis of specific information,” he asserted.
In this particular incident, which relates to residents of Patipora in Pulwama district, the Governor said, none of the persons were questioned in Pulwama.
“They were questioned in Jammu district based on very specific intelligence inputs,” he asserted.
He said he will direct IG Police, Kashmir to look into this incident as to whether the woman has been harassed or her clothes have been torn as is being alleged. “If required, action will be taken against any police staff found acting wrongly,” he added.
The Governor termed 2018 year as an overall successful year in many aspects and added, “many halted developmental schemes were resumed and people have started realizing that if peace prevails, development will automatically take place.”
He said democratic set up was established in the State with the conduct of Panchayat and Municipal elections successfully and peacefully in which not even casualty of a ‘single bird’ was reported.
On BAT Action foiled by the Army in Nowgam sector of Kashmir, Malik declared that the militants, who were entering into the State to disrupt peace, will meet the same fate as was in the case of Nowgam.
“The good issue is that local people have been cooperating with security forces. Also, there has been excellent coordination among security agencies,” the Governor said.
An official handout said: Governor Satya Pal Malik, Chancellor, University of Jammu, today inaugurated Jambu Lochan Hostel for Boys, at the University Campus. This Residential facility has been created to meet the fast-growing requirements of residential accommodation for the increasing number of students every year.
Speaking on the occasion, the Governor observed that great nations are not known by its high rise buildings, bridges or Industries but by the Universities, intelligentsia and the quality of scholars they produce. He said that the Universities in the developed countries have produced hundreds of Nobel Laureates. He quoted Confucius, Gandhi ji and Lenin to emphasise that a conducive atmosphere has significant benefits for teaching and learning in Universities.
Appreciating the ambience and cleanliness of the Jambu Lochan hostel, Malik expressed satisfaction over the standards maintained in the building and hoped that students will have comfortable stay during their study years at University. He urged upon Prof. Manoj Dhar, Vice-Chancellor of University of Jammu, to take steps for continued maintenance of discipline, decorum and cleanliness in the hostels.
The Governor urged the Vice-Chancellor to work towards attaining A++ rank of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) and  raise its position from present 51st rank as assessed under the National Institutional Ranking Framework. He stressed upon enhancing academic standing of the varsity through promoting quality research and teaching.
Prof Manoj K Dhar, Vice-Chancellor, University of Jammu, while welcoming the Chancellor in his maiden visit, informed that University has set out ambitious plans to enhance its research profile and to celebrate Golden Jubilee year. Prof Dhar underlined that the University is envisaging greater emphasis on innovation, entrepreneurship and Skill development.