Dorjey Gya’s film receives award at Intl Festival

Excelsior Correspondent
LEH, Jan 13: A grand reception has been given to Stanzin Dorjey Gya, a film maker cum media person from Ladakh whose film “Jungwa” received “Special Jury Award” during 29th International Mountain Film Festival at Autrans France held recently.
Councillor Igoo, all the members of Ladakh Media and Cultural Society headed by Vice President Zangpo, villagers of Gya, members of Ama Tsogspa Gya Rumtse, members of SEWA Shara, his friends and relatives were present on the occasion.
His documentary film “Jungwa” and other seven films have been selected out of 300 films drawn from international level and more than 700 film makers from various countries of the world participated at Autrance France. This award of international level carries a trophy, citation and other recognitions.
‘Jungwa’, the broken balance of elements of nature depicts the imbalance causes by human interference with the interdependence of elements of nature and causing major destruction and imbalance on ecosystem and other phenomena of nature on earth.
Stanzin Dorjey belongs to remote village Gya of Ladakh region from a simple farmer’s family. After attaining his basic education from Government School of village Gya, he joined and worked with SECMOL, an NGO working for overhauling education standard in Ladakh region.