Double talk politicians

In the present political scenario in the State of Jammu & Kashmir we stand witness to the double standards some politicians continue to hold. At times, main stream politicians toe the line of separatists whether it is matter of West Pakistani refugees or establishment of Sainik Colony or settlement of exiled Kashmiri Pandits in the Valley. One is at a loss to understand when they are in power they seem to be as patriotic as anyone but when out of power their body language changes. Such type of politicians cannot befool people now. People judge things and decide.
Inciting people for their political gain does not behove them. There are  Burmese and Bangladeshi refugees who are living in India since long and these people hence never raised any finger against them. But today they are raising hue and cry which has no logic. While polarizing the issue their sole aim is to disturb the peaceful atmosphere of the Valley. It is correct to say that these refugees are living in Jammu & Kashmir since the partition. It being a humane problem Govt of India has now decided to facilitate them with identity cards so that they become eligible for applying in Central Govt jobs. It is unfortunate that separatists and some mainstream politicians make a mountain out of molehill.
These refugees are our own people and raising of unnecessary controversy is uncalled for.
Yours etc..
S N Raina