Dr Agnishekhar takes serious note of Shinde’s statement

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 19: Taking serious note of Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar  Shinde’s recent misleading statement published in a section of print media regarding the present condition of displaced Kashmiri Pandits, who  as per his assessment are  now quite wealthy and happy, Dr Agnishekhar, convener Panun Kashmir expressed his anguish and grave concern about this disinformation by the Dr Manmohan Singh led UPA Government.
Dr Agnishekhar asked the Union Home Minister to cross – check the information provided to him by the State and Central Government secret agencies which are under the control of his Ministry.
Dr Agnishekhar while quoting the statement of the Minister said that Mr Shinde has not only denied  opportunities to displaced unemployed youth at par with Kashmiri Muslim youth of the Valley to end their sense of  alienation and injustice by bringing them into the mainstream  through special professional empowerment schemes, he has even declined on the basis of his feed- back their inclusion in the ‘Udaan ‘ like projects. Do displaced Kashmiri Pandits need to remind Mr Shinde how well -talked about PM’s special employment package for 6000 displaced Kashmiri youths announced  in 2008 was made the instrument of exploitation of the helplessness and despair of the community. Doesn’t Mr Shinde know how till today only 1446 youths were offered the employment that too on unconstitutional  conditions tagged to it by the state Govt.
Dr Agnishekhar termed this attitude as part of continued Government policy of  apathy and neglect which appears akin to apartheid against exiled Kashmiri Pandits who were forced to pay through their nose  for being patriots to the core of their hearts.