Dr Attri attends World Congress of Endoscopic Surgeons in Kolkata

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Oct 26 : Dr M R Attri Professor of Surgery and Bariatric Surgeon of National Repute highlighted the role of Surgery in Obesity as an expert during 20th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgeons (WCES -IAGES) held at Kolkata where all the world experts on obesity & Laparoscopic Gastro Surgery demonstrated & deliberated on obesity and its impact on society & role of Bariatric surgery (Obesity surgery) in controlling the obese population .
Obesity is increasing both in developed and developing countries and has achieved an alarming pandemic in the world thereby reducing the life expectancy of everyone from children to adults by causing complications like diabetes, Hypertension, Sleep apnea, Cardiac Diseases including Heart attacks, infertility, joint problems and other sociopsycological problems The world needs a more collaborative approach and planning to address this issue globally as it adversely impacts the economy,” Dr Attri said.
He said, more than 30 percent of American population is either obese or super obese and the problem is increasing in all the countries including India where 20-24 percent of population is either overweight or obese leading to burden on healthcare and effecting the economy of countries while decreasing overall life expectancy.
Bariatric surgery has been widely recommended as a transformative treatment for severe obesity and related complications thereby improving life expectancy . It is often presented as an effective option for individuals struggling with obesity who haven’t had success with conventional methods like diet and exercise. The surgeries aim to reduce the size of the stomach, limit food intake, and alter the body’s hormonal responses to aid in long-term weight loss. There are various types of bariatric surgery, including gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and one anastomosis each with its own benefits and risks,” Dr Attri said.
The dramatic weight loss and cure of morbidities like diabetes,Hypertension,apnea that patients can achieve after bariatric surgery, frequently featuring success stories that emphasize the improvement in the quality of life. In addition to weight loss, bariatric surgery is presented as a tool for managing or even resolving serious obesity-related complications, such as Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and sleep apnea. Studies have shown that bariatric surgery can improve or resolve these conditions in a large number of patients, leading to better long-term health outcomes increasing life expectancy,” he said in his address.