Dr Jalali appointed Director of South East Asia’s 1st PTC

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Dec 22: Son of the soil, Dr Rakesh Jalali, Prof and Senior Consultant, Oncologist at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai has been appointed as the Director of South East Asia’s first Proton Therapy Centre (PTC) established at Apollo Hospital, Chennai.
This prestigious achievement by Dr Jalali has brought laurels to the state of J&K, as the Nation joins the select band of countries having Proton Therapy Centre available for treatment of Cancer. Dr. Jalali is an expert in high precision radiotherapy (Steriotaxy, IMRT, Tomo therapy and Proton therapy). He is an internationally renowned Radiation Physician. Dr Jalali is an expert in the treatment of Brain and Breast Tumors.
After passing his MBBS from Government Medical College, Jammu in 1988, he passed his MD in Radiotherapy and Oncology from PGIMER Chandigarh, with distinction in 1994 and thereafter he was selected to undergo a Fellowship in academic unit of Radiotherapy at world renowned Royal Marsden Hospital, London (UK) from 1997 to 1999.
Dr Jalali has more than 300 peer review publications in various fields of cancer. He has done some path breaking research in the field of cancer treatment and has been instrumental in giving treatment philosophies or treatment schedules in the management of various cancers.
A highly decorated medical professional from the State, Dr Jalali has been bestowed with the award of excellence in quality of life research by the Society of Neuro oncology twice in the year 2007 at Dallas and 2012 in Washington (USA) and award for excellence in Pediatric Clinical Research at Miami in 2014. He was also awarded Best Oncologist Award by Medscape in 2014 and Top Radiation Oncologist Award for 3 consecutive years from 2014 onwards.