Dr Jitendra holds luncheon interaction with Northeast students: Dr Jitendra

Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh during a luncheon interaction with students from Northeast studying in different Colleges and Universities, at New Delhi on Thursday.
Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh during a luncheon interaction with students from Northeast studying in different Colleges and Universities, at New Delhi on Thursday.

Excelsior Correspondent

NEW DELHI, Dec 19: Union Minister for Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), Dr Jitendra Singh today held a luncheon interaction with Northeast students studying in different Universities and Colleges of the national capital.
The nearly two hour long meeting, with a round table sitting arrangement, witnessed free and frank exchange of views about the current situation in Northeast and the current issues including the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) 2019. The students, mostly of the post graduation level, came forth one-by-one, with their opinions in very candid and explicit words.
The students hailing from different States of the North Eastern region also presented specific perspectives pertaining to the region from which they hailed or the State they belonged to. They also voiced the opinions and responses to the Citizenship Amendment Act in their respective States.
Dr Jitendra Singh welcomed the suggestions and opinions of the students and said, the purpose of today’s interaction was to gather honest inputs from free – thinking young minds. He assured the students that all the inputs provided by them will be taken serious note of and followed up accordingly.
The participating students suggested that there should be follow – up interactive meetings in future also with a specific agenda. To this, the DoNER Minister responded by designating officers from DoNER Ministry who would coordinate and carry forward the process.
During the meeting, Dr Jitendra Singh also shared some of the youth-centric initiatives taken by the government in the last five years with the indulgence and patronage of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He made a special mention of the Venture Fund being offered by Ministry of North East for young Start-Ups who wish to set up entrepreneurship in the North East. He also referred to the livelihood programmes initiated by the Ministry especially for the youth and the Self help Groups particularly for the benefit of women.
On the suggestion of the participating students, Dr Jitendra Singh also issued directions to bring out a small Reference Book to spell out various youth-centric schemes initiated by the Modi Government for the North East. The same, he said,could be circulated among the students of the region.