‘Drabu, Wahid were JKLF members’

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, July 2: The chairman of the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), Mohammad Yasin Malik, today said that some selfish people used “freedom movement” as a launch pad to seek importance for achieving their self interest.
Describing these people as political renegades, Malik said that people have to identity them who are hell bent upon damaging the “resistance movement”.
Recalling the sacrifices of Ishfaq Majeed Wani, Yasin Malik said that Mohammad Maqbool Butt, Ishfaq Majeed Wani, Dr Abdul Ahad Guru, Professor Abdul Ahad Wani, Dr Farooq Asahai, Nadeem Khateeb, Dr Turabi, Shamsul Haq and intellectuals like them sacrificed their lives for a just cause. “They could have led a wealthy and luxurious lives but they chose the path of thorns”, he said.
Malik while commenting upon Dr Haseeb Drabu joining PDP said that Drabu has chosen the path of betrayal and has joined the group of those conscience selling people who used “resistance movement” as a launching pad to satisfy and achieve their selfish goals.
“In 1996 I met an old man at Airport who introduced his son Sideeq Wahid to him and said that he has dedicated his son for freedom movement. After few days Sideeq Wahid who during those days was running a travel guide agency in Delhi came with another person Dr Haseeb Drabu. They came to Hurriyat office in Delhi in an auto rickshaw to meet me. Dr Drabu spoke to me for hours and during his conversation he told me that whenever he is in Bombay he visits the ancestral house of Quid-I- Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and bows his head in respect for his wisdom about Hindu mind set”, said JKLF Chairman.
Malik said: “Drabu insisted that separation from this mentality and mindset and resistance against this was necessary. He joined JKLF and both these worked with us for months. Yasin said that after few years Sideeq Wahid sold his conscience for a post at Jammu University and was rewarded the vice chancellorship of Islamic university Awantipoora. Dr Drabu was awarded with the chairmanship of J&K bank and hence both these renounced the resistance movement for their pity selfish gains.”
The JKLF Chairman said that the history of Jammu Kashmir right from 1947 bears a witness to this fact that many people (Conscience sellers) used “resistance movement” as a launching pad and after assuming importance landed in the lap of India for achieving their pity selfish interests. “Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, Bakhshi Ghulam Mohammad, Ghulam Mohammad Sadiq, Mir Qasim, Mufti Mohammad Saeed, Farooq Abdullah, Gul Shah and many more are a glaring example of this betrayal. In 1988 after the peoples revolution started, selfish people changed their colors and joined the rows of freedom movement but finally fall in the lap of India using the resistance movement as a launching pad”, he added.
“Among these Abdul Majeed Mir ( ex MLA Shangus),Gani Naseem (ex MLA Khansahib), Ishtiyaaq Qadri, Junaid Matoo, Abdul Majeed Matoo(joined National Conference), Mohammad Yaqoob Wakil ( joined Congress), Altaf Ahmad Bukhari, Raof Bhat ( Hizb ul Mujahideen) ,Syed Mohammad Husain, Pir Mansoor, advocate Abdul Haq, Nizam ud Din Bhat, Saif ud Din Shutroo, Muntazir Mohi-ud-Din, Khurshid Aalam, Mohi-ud-Din Sofi, Yasir Reshi, Mushtaq Ahmad ( MLA tral) (joined PDP )and Imran Rahi and hundreds others are few who traveled through the lanes of resistance to reach their selfish goals in pro-Indian politics”, said Malik.
JKLF chairman said that time has come when Kashmiris should to identity and learn about the real faces of these people, who by becoming political renegades (Kuka Parray’s) have and are hell bent upon damaging the “resistance movement” of Kashmiris.
Malik said that the nation of Kashmir is slowly and steadily coming to know the originality of these chameleons and need of the hour is to negate these people on social front so that these people are remembered only as political renegades and Kuka Paray’s.