Drangbal roads in shambles

Drangbal road in North Kashmir’s Baramulla district in shambles. -Excelsior/ Aabid Nabi
Drangbal road in North Kashmir’s Baramulla district in shambles. -Excelsior/ Aabid Nabi

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, Feb 8: The roads in Drangbal area of north Kashmir’s Baramulla district are in shambles and local residents have urged concerned authorities to repair these roads.
The residents today said the bumpy and dusty roads have made their lives hell as the tippers which ply over these roads trigger dust. “We are unable to walk because of huge dust. The condition of roads is poor in our area and has made our lives hell,” said Ghulam Muhammad, a resident of Sajdin Mohalla of Drangbal.
Another resident, Gulzar Ahmad, said due to dusty conditions many of the families have migrated to other places to escape from respiratory diseases. The residents said that despite repeated pleas to concerned officials nothing was done on ground and the roads continue to remain in shambles.
They urged concerned authority to repair and then macadamize the roads in Drangbal for the convenience of the local residents and other commuters.