Drinking water scarcity

People in India’s northern Jammu and Kashmir state reeled under immense water shortage in several villages. Now cities are also under the direct influence of drinking water shortage problem which is really a cause of concern. Frequent power cuts have led to acute water shortage, which has disturbed the daily routine life of people in villages as well as cities. It is very ironical that our own city Jammu is facing the acute water crises from the past several years. In particular some areas like the old Jammu city and several areas of Talab Tillo like Friends Lane, Vikas Lane, Gole Pulley etc are the worst sufferers in this context. Furthermore, the faulty and ill-maintained water distribution network in these areas continues to be a nightmare for people, who are demanding provisions for pure and uninterrupted water supply. Jammu city has expanded manifold but the previous and current governments have not bothered to plan to enhance the resources of water except for boring of some tubewell but nothing concrete has been done in this behalf. There are certain areas of Jammu city where water is supplied for half an hour in a day. The reason is the lack of resources of water. It is high time now that the concept of rain water harvesting should be seriously taken into consideration and we the responsible citizens of this country must have to use the water judiciously. The concerned authorities of PHE should have to formulate a genuine mechanism in this context so that the water supply must be provided in the affected areas of the Jammu city without any hassle.
Yours etc…
Vivek Koul
32, Bank Colony
Gole Gujral, Jammu