Drop China from UNSC, remove WHO chief: NDP

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Apr 12: National Democratic Party (NDP) has demanded that China should be removed from the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) as permanent member and various Nations should exert pressure to remove the chief of World Health Organisation (WHO), Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus from his position for his unfair role.
In a joint press statement issued here today, members of the NDP expressed serious concern over the Coronavirus Pandemic spread and said that this Chinese virus has become great threat to the entire world. The China and its President are getting exposed before the world for the misdeed. Many countries are holding China responsible for this virus and damages being caused world over. Moreover, China was still hiding facts from the world.
Not only USA, many other countries are also holding China response for this deadly virus and its role has come under shadow. Indian Government and other countries must launch campaign and put forth strong demand to drop China drop from UNSC.
The NDP members also expressed serious concern over the role of WHO chief, Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus over Corona Pandemic and said that his role also stood exposed. Not only US President but heads of many countries have raised fingers on his bias role. The members demanded that WHO chief should also be removed without any delay and world community should exert pressure on the apex world body for it. They said that India must play lead role in the world wide campaign over these two hot issues impacting every one in the world.
The signatories to the statement included- Subhash Chander Sharma, N K Attri, J G Sharma, Rakesh Sharma, Vijay Anand, Sandip Singh and Raman Kumar.