Drug trafficking

Policy planners , preventive measures, checking and containing plans , police and prosecution levels do appear to be getting chased rather than the opposite by the growing menace of drug trafficking. In other words, the network and the mafia involved in trading activities including transportation and distribution network appears to outwit the half baked measures by the Government and various agencies which is the reason of this slow but deadliest poison fast spreading its tentacles across the UT of Jammu and Kashmir. Who appears to be feeling increasingly concerned about it in the administrative circles is unfortunately neither evident nor apparent though we do not wholly underestimate various steps being taken to fight this scourge. The question, however, is that while necessary data both on surmises and rough estimates as well as being nearer to pointed and reliable inputs all reveal that the menace is spreading and entrapping more and more victims at an alarming rate, why seizures, apprehending , prosecution and conviction rates do not correspondingly significantly increase to send signals of deterrence around. That verily denotes that still enough is not being done in the matter.
Statistics available, however, definitely point towards some good work being done in the matter as during the last four years huge seizures of narcotics and narcotic substances along with lakhs of intoxicant tablets etc were recovered from drug peddlers and more than 4200 persons were arrested in this connection.These drug thugs who were found dealing in substances right from Ganja, opium, poppy husk, poppy straw to cocaine, heroin , ketamine , morphine etc clearly means that besides creating local “market” , drug peddlers and mafia have dealings and reach far beyond the realms of local market. Money laundering and funds for terror and other subversive activities do sprout from out of the sale proceeds of these drugs and narcotic substances being the immediate offshoots of drugs trade. The seizures alone give a symbolic feel and an estimate of how many more are getting enticed by the poison of drugs day in and day out in Jammu and Kashmir and that clearly shows that drug peddlers have an upper edge and an upper hand in the process of getting nabbed and convicted by concerned agencies of the Government.
It must vastly be agreed , therefore, that much more and in aggressive rather ruthless manner with the levels of current pre-empting , halting or stopping measures against the trafficking in drugs is needed otherwise the situation may slip out of the grip and the sway of the designated agencies of the Government. Should we afford to take it as our fate accompli that our younger generation , the bulk of the victims of this poison, who otherwise are energy , power, talent and hope of the nation, should get affected by the chicanery double edged plans of the drug trafficking elements . Not only have they commercial interests to make quick bucks but also diabolical goals to wreak havoc with our young human resources and that is really an irreversible loss. We cannot afford to remain complacent or feel satisfied by looking at the statistics of seizures alone.
The quality and the strength of the prosecution agencies , the quick analysis and certification of seized material by technicians and personnel in forensic laboratories , witnesses, documents and allied things need to be not only toned up but to work in tandem to ensure conviction rate of the criminals especially in NDPSA cases going up very substantially. That all could possibly be done only after the intelligence wings of the law enforcing agencies , the Police and concerned wings of fighting the menace make it possible to apprehend the demons of drugs trade along with their consignments before they succeed to dispose off and distribute the poison at specified outlets. Besides this, an environment of peculiar nature replete with awareness, displaying material showing irreversible effects on human body by drug use, keeping rewards and other incentives for informing and giving details about any activity related to drugs and the like, is needed to be created to reflect that some measures on war footings were made to fight this horrendous menace.