DSEK distributes 20 lakh textbooks to students of Govt Schools

SRINAGAR: Directorate of School Education Kashmir (DSEK) today distributed 20 lakh textbooks to the students of Government Schools of Kashmir Division.

In this connection book distribution functions were held in all the district headquarters of the division in which 101 Educational Zones of Kashmir including Leh and Kargil were covered. Almost 6 lakh more textbooks will be distributed in next three days.

Besides, under Chief Minter’s special initiative the second phase of distribution of All Terrain Mountain Bikes was also organized in all districts of the Kashmir. In this connection, main function was organized by Directorate of School Education Kashmir at DIET, Anantnag in which Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, Baseer Ahmad Khan was the Chief Guest, while Director School Education Kashmir, Dr. G.N Itoo was the guest of honour.

Deputy Commissioner Anantnag, Mohammad Yonus Malik and Chief Education Officer Anantnag, Ghulam Rasool Shah and other Officers and Official of the Department were also present in the function.

Speaking on the occasion, the Divisional Commissioner lauded the efforts of Director School Education Kashmir saying that this is for the first time that textbooks have been distributed well in time among the students in this manner. He said this is a good opportunity for the students to continue their studies in winter vacations.

He said that due to the efforts of Education Minister, Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari, Commissioner Secretary School Education, Farooq Ahmad Shah and Director School Education Kashmir, Dr. G.N.Itoo, the School Education Department shall flourish and attain new heights in quality education.

On this occasion, the Div Com also distributed All Terrain Mountain Bikes among meritorious students with which the second phase of distribution of such bikes concluded.