DSEK orders start of ‘Winter Tutorials’ to make up for losses due to COVID-19

Irfan Tramboo

Srinagar, Dec 18: The Directorate of School Education, Kashmir (DSEK) today directed the Chief Education Officers (CEOs) across Kashmir to start free ‘Winter Tutorials’ for all students for remedial purposes in view of the loss in education during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In this regard, it has been stated by the DSEK that to mitigate Learning Gap among students and overcome the loss due to missing school days because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the DSEK shall continue with the previous practice of (Remedial Classes) Winter Tutorials & Winter Camps in compliance to the approval conveyed by the administrative department.
“All Chief Education Officers are advised to operate these Remedial Classes in Government & Private Schools as per modalities,” the DSEK said.
As per modalities, Winter Camps for Class 3rd to 8th & Out of School Children and Winter Tutorials (9th to 12th) will be established while as per need and availability of promising Teachers.
“For enrolling students in these winter initiatives, the parental consent and declaration shall be mandatory; the intervention to be strictly carried out in collaboration with community conforming to Covid Appropriate Behaviour (CAB),” DSEK said.
In this regard, centrally located/accessible Middle, High & Higher Secondary Schools having adequate infrastructure/ICT facilities will be identified after thorough need analysis.
“In all subject streams involving staff members in the Student-Teacher Ratio of 1:45 for classes 11th & 12th, Student-Teacher Ratio of 1:40 for classes 9th & 10th, 1:35 for classes 8th and 1:30 for classes 3rd to 7th,” DSEK said.
It said that since there has been a gap in the learning competencies of students because of the pandemic/school closure and therefore the teaching and learning in these winter initiatives should focus on remediation to bridge learning gaps and not on the completion of the syllabus.
“Further, wherever possible, practical work should also be carried out in these learning centres and the Teachers and School Heads of Govt. Schools deployed for these winter initiatives will be considered for incentive in terms Rule 27 of J&K Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1979 after thorough verification from their DDOs and cross-check by concerned CEOs,” it said.
It has been directed that proper arrangement of heating and seating should be made available by the HOIs to facilitate the students.
“It should be ensured that Banners/Hoardings of appropriate size are displayed outside the centres and a good amount of campaigning is being done in social and other media about these centres for maximum outreach,” it said.
It has been informed that the funds on account of heating and logistics for Government schools shall be borne by Samagra Shiksha, JKUT “while Private schools shall adhere to the fee structure fixed by the J&K Committee for Fixation & Regulation of Fee for the purpose.”
As per directives, the classes have been scheduled to be held from 11.00 am to 3.00 pm.
“The Winter Camps will run in collaboration with Pratham Education Foundation and they will sensitise BRCs/CRCs and their DRLs BRLs for academic support of teachers in collaboration with DIET,” DSEK said.