DTNBWED celebrates 67th Foundation Day

Mohd. Rizwan Uddin, Regional Provident Fund Commissioner addressing during a function in Jammu on Wednesday.
Mohd. Rizwan Uddin, Regional Provident Fund Commissioner addressing during a function in Jammu on Wednesday.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 18: Dattopant Thengadi National Board for Workers Education and Development (DTNBWED) Regional Directorate, Jammu celebrated its 67th foundation day, here today.
The Chief Guest of the programme was Mohd. Rizwan Uddin, Regional Provident Fund Commissioner, Ministry of Labour & Employment, GOI, Jammu.
The function was presided over by Chanan Singh Toor, Chairman, RAC, DTNBWED, Jammu & General Secretary, Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh, UT of J&K.
Dr. Pankaj Rastogi, Regional Director I/c, DTNBWED, Jammu welcomed the Chief Guest, Special Guests and RAC Chairman along with all the other invitees.
Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Guest Mohd. RizwanUddin congratulated DTNBWED, Jammu on its 67thFoundation Day and appreciated its efforts in uplifting the quality of worker’s life through their educational & training activities throughout the UT States of J, K & L.
In his presidential address, Chanan Singh Toor too congratulated all the officers and Staff members of DTNBWED on its 67th Foundation Day and said that Board was renamed in 2016 to honour Late Dattopant Thengadi, who was an eminent Trade Union leader of India & a great visionary from whom Board takes inspiration & accordingly works for the welfare & development of workers across the country.
Anil Gupta, Sr. Vice President CCI assured DTNBWED and other Government Departments at Jammu that CCI, Jammu will fully support & Co-operate with all the mutually beneficial Government policies in J&K.
Dushyant Pandey, Dy. Director, ESIC, Jammu said that ESIC will help DTNBWED, Jammu to develop their reach among their members Institutions and praised the uniqueness of workers education scheme for the socio-economic progress of J&K’s workers and its Economy.
Dr (Prof) Rajni, Hindi Department HoD, Jammu University spoke about the benefits of enhancing the use of Raj Bhasha Hindi in UTs of J, K&L.
She also spoke about the Importance of Hindi as work Language in various Government Departments, Industries& its role in the economic up-liftment of workers/State’s Economy.
Dr. (Prof.) Prakash Chand, Dean, Student Welfare, Jammu University was also present during the event.