Durga Puja unites people from India and Nepal: official

Nepal and India have close historical ties and festivals like Durga Puja unites people from both the nations, a senior Indian diplomat has said.
Speaking at a special function organised to celebrate Durga Puja on Friday, Ajay Kumar, Deputy Chief of Mission of Indian Embassy, said Nepal and India have close historical, religious and social links.
“Festivals like Durga Puja has united the people of Nepal and India together, as the two countries have close historical, religious and social links,” he said.
The programme was also attended by Swami Ekarthananda, head of Ramkrishna Ashram, Kathmandu.
Ekarthananda said Ramkrishna had stressed on the importance of worshipping mother Goddess Durga and Bhagawati as we can establish close link with the God through mother – child relationship.
During the occasion, other guests offered prayer to Goddess Durga and listed to traditional music and religious song. (PTI)
On Saturday Nepal, mainly Hindus, also observed Phulpati, the seventh day of Dashain festival.
Dashain, also known as Vijay Dashami, is a major Hindu festival celebrated to mark the victory of good over evil.

The festival is celebrated to remember Lord Ram’s victory over Ravana, marking the triumph of good over evil. The day also marks the culmination of Navratri and Durga Puja.

People offer prayers at temples of Goddess Durga, prepare feasts and fly kites during the festival. (PTI)