DyCM for fast pacing work on Samba-Amargarh transmission line

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, June 9: Deputy Chief Minister, Dr. Nirmal Singh, today directed officers to undertake necessary measures for ensuring completion of Jalandhar- Samba-Amargarh electric transmission line, maintaining that it would go a long way in upgrading and augmenting the transmission network in the State, besides ensure that power to the tune of 1000 MWs can be imported to the State from the Northern Grid.
The meeting was attended by Divisional Commissioner, Kashmir, Dr. Asgar Hassan Samoon, Commissioner Secretary, Power Dheeraj Gupta, Deputy Commissioners of Baramulla, Budgam, Pulwama and Shopian districts, representatives of Power Grid Corporation of India, Stearlite Company and other senior officers of the department.
The Deputy Chief Minister while asking for synergizing efforts for early completion of the transmission line said that by this PDD would be able to supply additional electricity to different parts of the Jammu division. He asked the officers of the Power Grid Corporation of India to hold regular meetings with PDD so that the bottlenecks, if any, are removed and the project is completed within the stipulated timeframe.
Dr. Singh said that necessary instructions would be also passed to the concerned Deputy Commissioners so that the land acquisition cases are speeded up and other related issues are resolved. He said the timely completion of this prestigious project is essential for the power sector of the State as it would increase the transmission capability to a large extent.
The Deputy Chief Minister also conducted a video conferencing with the Divisional Commissioner, Jammu and directed him to ask the Deputy Commissioners through which the transmission line is passing to settle the land acquisition cases at an earliest.
Meanwhile, a deputation of Association of Industries, Jammu, Federation of Industries, Jammu/Kashmir and Kashmir Electric Manufactures Association Kashmir represented by Rajesh Jain, S B Abrol, Vikar-ul-Malik, Ashraf Mir, Virender Jain, Nayeem Raja, Bashir Ahmad and Altaf Ahmed called on Deputy Chief Minister.
The deputations projected several issues like waving off electric bills of the sick units, installation of 20MVA transformer at Gangyal, power load sanction, dedicated feeder and power connections for industrial units, power sanction of pending cases in industrial areas, enhancement of limit of the power load and the issue of bidding standard document.
The Deputy Chief Minister assured the deputations of time-bound redress of the issues projected by them and maintained that industry forms one of the core sectors in J&K and it has been accordingly prioritized by the Government. He said several initiatives which are industry-friendly have been initiated and the local industry has also benefited from the same.
Dr Singh said to encourage the people for setting up industrial units, the single window clearance system has been put in place which would ensure the process of obtaining permissions is made easy. He said that adequate supply of electricity would be also ensured to the industrial estates across the State.