DyCM orders enquiry into 12th class Math paper

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Nov 8: The complaint of 12th class students about Mathematics paper was discussed at an officers meeting here today under the chairmanship of Deputy Chief Minister, Tara Chand.
Director School Education Kashmir, Mir Tariq Ali, all Chief Education Officers of Kashmir Valley and officers of BOSE attended the meeting.
Deputy Chief Minister after thorough deliberations on the issue ordered enquiry into the matter. He asked Secretary BOSE to do the needful immediately and submit report of irresponsible attitude of concerned so that justice is meted out to the affected student community and erring officials are taken to task appropriately.
The meeting also discussed the matter related to supply of books to various Government Institutions. Deputy Chief Minister asked the concerned officers to speed up the supply of books so that students do not suffer for want of the same.
Tara Chand also sought report about filling up of available vacancies of ReT teachers in border areas of the State. He asked the officers to identify the vacancies within week’s time and ensure filling up of same within 20 days. Deputy Chief Minister, however, ordered for assuring transparency, while strictly adhering to merit of the candidates during selection process.
Tara Chand asked Chief Education Officers and Zonal Education Officers to pay surprise visits to Government schools to check attendance, implementation of mid-day meal scheme and pace of progress in imparting quality education to students.
With regard to issue of promotion of Teachers as Masters and Education volunteers, Deputy Chief Minister asked the Director and his team to speed up the process, besides fill up the resultant vacancies of Class IV.
Tara Chand asked the officers to suggest measures for framing of Education Policy of the State. He also directed Chief Education Officers and Zonal Education Officers to submit tour diary to the Director regularly in order to ensure punctuality and accountability of officers.