Dynastic parties responsible for 3 decades long turmoil in J&K: Chugh

‘Cong should clear stand on 370’

Avtar Bhat

JAMMU, Sept 28: Tarun Chugh, BJP’s national general secretary and incharge Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh, UTs blamed today the dynastic parties for the over three decade long turmoil in J&K.

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Talking to Excelsior, the BJP national general secretary said that during the three decades of rule by parties associated with the Mufti, Abdullah, and Gandhi families, Jammu and Kashmir was known as the terrorist capital of India.
“It witnessed the largest migration in the history of the country, mass massacres of Hindus, months-long curfews, and now, these parties are alleging that BJP is responsible for terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir,” he said.
Chugh pointed out that PM Modi has transformed Jammu and Kashmir into a hub for tourism and development. Since the BJP came to power, terrorism has almost ceased to exist in the Valley. The annulling of Article 370 brought peace to otherwise strife -torn UT and development with peace has been ongoing since 2019 after the abrogation of controversial Article 370-35-A, he said.
He said people are experiencing positive changes brought about by the Modi Government, and they are fully content with policies and programmes of present Government. Therefore, the opposition’s allegations are baseless, and their panic is evident.
Regarding elections, Tarun Chugh mentioned that in the last DDC, Panchayat and BDC elections, opposition parties formed an alliance. However, despite this alliance, lakhs of people came out to vote for Prime Minister, Narendra Modi and many secretly voted against the Alliance. Muftis and Abdullahs, who were arch rivals, formed an Alliance due to declining support and public discontent. The people of Jammu and Kashmir will not accept this Alliance, demonstrating that they are aware of the true nature of these parties.
Chugh while terming the opposition parties’ allegations baseless that BJP is afraid of facing elections, said that only the Election Commission can announce and make decisions regarding elections. BJP is always ready for elections, as it upholds and respects democracy.
The BJP leader said “If these parties are so confident of public support then why they are not fighting elections separately,. This means that they are afraid of BJP’s rising popularity in the UT.”
He said even putting a joint candidate against the BJP they can’t get the votes as people have rejected them and they will reject them again. They believe in boycott politics. It is their base but the people of J&K know that the UT can’t be run by boycotting elections. The leaders of these parties are afraid of continuous defeat so they have formed the alliance, he added.
Chugh asked what is the rationale of Gupkar Alliance, when the Muftis and Abdullahs are arch rivals and were responsible for putting Kashmir on the fire with the support of Congress.
“Nobody is taking the Abdullahs, Muftis and Congress seriously in J&K”, he said, adding that they are shedding crocodile tears on law and order situation while it was PM Narendra Modi who brought a discernable change in ground situation in J&K.
Chugh said entire nation knows that how many people were killed during their rule and Modi Government is firm on zero tolerance on terrorism and with its commitment the Government brought terrorist killings to zero. In their time, minority Pandits were forced to leave Kashmir. He wanted to know who was the Chief Minister in J&K and Union Home Minister when slogans were written on walls that Kashmir will become Pakistan (Kashmir Baneyga Pakistan)— The present turmoil was outcome of their wrong policies, he added.
Taking a dig at Congress he said the then Governor Jagmohan had apprised the then Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi that situation is going to take critical turn in Kashmir but the then Union Government did not act. “When Tika Lal Taploo and Judge Neelkant Ganjoo were killed these parties did not react and took stringent measures to quell militant violence,” he added.
Chugh said lakhs of Kashmiri Pandits were forced to migrate they did not act to stop migration, nor showed any sympathy with these people who became refugees within their country.
He said Congress has made Mehbooba and Farooq part of I.N.D.I.A Alliance and Rahul Gandhi should tell the nation whether the Congress supports their stand on controversial Articles 370 and 35 A.
Chugh said the J&K people are not with these parties as they have created a wrong narrative on J&K through their dirty politics over the years and people have now seen through their game plan and they are not going to support their wrong narrative. The people of J&K are with Modi and they are supporting his narrative of peace, development. They know Modi has brought J&K on the path of progress and development in every field, he added.
He asked Farooq Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti why they could not bring the Rs five lakh Ayushman Bharat, Jandhan Yojna, Ujwala Yojna and schemes like safe drinking water, reservation and rights to women etc during their rule.
The dynastic parties deprived the people of J&K of their basic rights for seven decades. Now people of the UT got their rights, the women of J&K marrying outside have been given rights on their property in the UT. The poor people of the UT are taking advantage of democracy of which they were deprived earlier, he added.